
2021-08-02 09:56:15来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  体育运动相关的话题不仅仅是出现在雅思口语Part2-3当中,在雅思写作也经常会涉及,下图给大家列举了一些涉及到的真实考题,以下是一些体育运动类Part3的回答参考,希望对大家的雅思写作能够有所帮助 !更多 雅思写作备考干货,请持续关注环球教育!

  问:Do you prefer to watch live sports or watch it on TV?

  If it is possible, I prefer to watch live shows because the atmosphere will be better, and the experience will be muchbetter. However, watching on TV has its own disadvantages since people can watch the competition more clearlyand at a much lower cost.


  问:Will there be more competition between teams from two countries?

  I didn't get what you mean. Do you wish me to answer whether the competition between two countries are morethan that between two provinces or cities?Well, that is absolutely not. After all, a competition between twocountries needs much more preparation, and that is really exhausting and money consuming. However,competitions inside the country needs no translation and less preparation work, that’s more convenient.

  问:Will the team competition between China and Asia be more competitive than that between China and Europe?

  I did not get what you mean, if you mean by sports competition, I think a competitions between China and bothAsia and Europe is the same competitive, since we are different countries and we have to compete to each otherin order to get a good ranking. It's never something related to continents, but honor of athletes and countries.

  问:What occupation is popular in your country?

  Careers that earn more are certainly more popular. For example, computer software application engineer. Withthe rise of Huawei mobile phones and various electronic products made in China, more and more people want tobecome code farmers. Besides, advanced financial controller is also popular in China as finance is an importantaspect of every business and hold the market.

  问:What kind of sports do Chinese people like to watch?

  I think this varies from person to person, but in general, I think most Chinese men who are fond of sports likewatching basketball or football matches, and Chinese girls are generally not that interested in sports, although Ihave a female friend who was crazy about watching volleyball games.

  问:Do you think competition is good for students?

  I think appropriate competition is good for students, since they can compete with each other and see which of themcan get the highest grades and learn the most knowledge. However, there are also harmful competition for students,like some students may compare the brands of their clothes and that is neither good to their studies or their mentalhealth development.

  以上是为大家分享的一些雅思写作备考干货,希望对各位同学有帮助!如果 你需要鞥更专业的雅思写作指导,可以戳客服了解环球雅思相关课程安排!


