
2021-07-30 17:41:18来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:





  1. Who is the leader in your family?

  I don’t think there really is a leader in my family to be perfectly honest. I think my mother and father both play different roles in the family and share responsibilities. I think in a lot of families the man is the leader in some regards, but in other regards, the woman has a lot of control and power for decision-making too. Things have also changed over the past generation or two and I think now that both parents usually go out to work, there is also a lot more emphasis put on the role of the grandparents – they also assume some “leadership” responsibilities and roles as well, especially as they are looking after the children and the family while everyone else is out at work. So, I think that although things do vary from family to family, a lot of families these days don’t have one “leader” or “boss” but responsibilities and decision-making is divided between different older family members.

  2. Are grandparents important to a family?

  I think grandparents are very important, on a number of levels. Firstly, especially in my culture, I think, grandparents play a very key and active role in taking care of children while parents go out to work. People work quite long hours in China, especially compared to many European countries, and there isn’t so much work flexibility in terms of hours and picking up kids from school and things like this, so grandparents take on these kind of responsibilities whilst the parents are engaged in their work and work-related duties. Secondly, I would argue that grandparents provide an influence from an older generation and the wisdom that comes from this. Having lived longer and through more difficult times, often, grandparents can have good advise that helps a family move forward as kids grow up and adults deal with the responsibilities of a busy worklife. Kids can learn a lot from their grandparents and I think this is an important part of their upbringing. At least to a certain extent.

  3. Do you think it’s beneficial to live with other relatives?

  It can be practically beneficial, yes, but it brings with it other complications and confusions as well. Older people can sometimes interfere a lot in young people’s business and try to take over and dominate the upbringing of children, for example, and I think there can be quite a few frictions which come about from living with other members of the family and relatives. But, often it’s a practical necessity too, so these kinds of things have to be considered and balanced out and what is better for the wider family both practically and emotionally, should be seriously considered. People are different, and it also depends on the personality types of the family members as well as their practical needs.

  4. What is the most important quality of parents?

  I think the most important quality parents can have is being loving, kind and understanding and teaching their children to listen and instilling good social values into children as they grow up. Life can be tough, and it’s not always easy being a parent, and different people have different views on how to bring up kids and the best ways of disciplining them and teaching them not only practical educational stuff in the academic sense, but moral and social behavior and how to deal with people in the real world. Good parents will usually be open-minded people who reflect on life and have a good understanding of human nature, and try to pass this on to their children.



