
2021-07-30 17:37:04来源:雅思口语作者: 小梦阅读量:





  1. Do you like shopping?

  Not really. I find shopping a bit of a drag to be honest. I don’t like going round stores and shops looking at clothes and things. I much prefer to look at things casually on my phone and order things online, but even then I don’t really enjoy it much. I’m not someone who gets much pleasure from shopping really.

  2. How often do you go shopping?

  About once every couple of weeks, I think. Of course, to buy food, I will go to the supermarket or a market about once a week, but that’s just to buy some essentials – but clothes shopping or shopping for pleasure, I don’t do that often. Yes, about once a fortnight I’d say, on average.

  3. Is price important to you when you buy something?

  It totally depends on what I want to buy! I usually compare prices of the same items I want to buy, online, then choose the best value item. There’s a lot of sales at certain times of year online in China too, like the now-famous 11-11 day, and things like this.

  4. Do old people and young people have different shopping habits?

  Most definitely. Older people usually just buy essentials like food and domestic items, but younger people are often into fashion and trends, so they enjoy buying clothes, accessories and sometimes famous brand names that are on sale in the high streets or online. Younger people are also more frivolous with money, it seems, so they indulge in the latest fashions without thinking so much about their longer-term value.



