2021-07-30 11:05:42来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:
1.Do you think argument is important?
Yes I do. I believe that argument plays an essential role in changing people’s points of view or persuading people to take a particular action. People don’t always agree on what is right or reasonable, but argument helps us arrive at what is fair or true. It is used to settle disputes and discover the truth. When arguing with others or writing argumentative essays, we can learn to examine our own and others’ ideas in a careful, methodical way. Argument helps us learn to clarify our thoughts and articulate them honestly and accurately and to consider the ideas of others in a respectful and critical manner.
2. What do family members usually have arguments about?
Family members may argue about little things in life. For exapmle, a newly married couple who haven’t developed a regular mode of doing housework may have aruguments about who should do cleaning or cooking. A main issue that is worth arguing about is the way to raise children. When a couple has children, the husband and the wife may have disagreements on how to educate their children, and such arguments may also expand to grandparents, which is common in Chinese families where retired grandparents help to take care of the kids.
3.Is it easier for you to have arguments with your family or with your friends?
To be honest, it’s easier for me to argue with my family than with my friends. I suppose it’s the case of most average people and there can be two reasons behind. Firstly, we could easily have disagreements with our parents simply because of the generation gap. Our views about the same issue can be different or even polarized since we grow up in distinct periods. In contrast, most of our friends would be of the same age and have similar experience with us, meaning that we would have more common interests and are less likely to have arguements. Secondly, we tend to argue with family more often because we subconsiciouly believe that the bonding between us is undestroyable. However, when intending to dispute with friends, we may try to think twice since we don’t want to broke our friendship, then the possiblity of arguing would decrease.
4.Do you think people should change the way they think when having arguments?
It depends. If people find that their former arguments were wrong or irrealistic after arguing with others, then they should definitely change their opinions in order to avoid failures or dangers. For example, many people used to believe that the COVID-19 would end shortly and thought nothing of wearing masks or social distancing. They argued with those who advocate strict preventiion measures and eventually, as time went by, they transformed their beliefs and behavior for their own safety. On the other hand, if we are confirmed of what we believe, we don’t need to change anything.
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