
2021-07-30 11:01:46来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:


  Describe an argument two of your friends had.

  -when it happned

  -what it was about

  -how it was solved

  -how you felt about it


  I’d like to talk about the argument beween my friends Ella and Tina. They argued about how to arrange children’s leisure time, when we had lunch together at a weekend last month.

  We three were classmates at college and their daughters are of similar age, about 8, so they often discuss the issues of raising children when we meet up.

  In fact, they agree that it is necessary for children to take part in art or sport classes at institutions where private training is offered. These courses will help kids to fully develop their talents like dancing, singing or playing sports.

  However, Tina and Ella have opposite views on cram schools. While Tina believes that attending cram school is a necessary supplement to formal education, Ella argues that it is a waste of money and is harmful to children’s health. It seemed that Tina is a Tiger mother who supports the granite-fisted, Chinese-style child rearing, whereas Ella belongs to the minor group of parents who advocate giving children more free time instead of forcing them to study.

  The argument went no where. In my opinion, both of their views are reasonable and it’s hard to tell which one is right. I think the key is what the child really needs. For those who can learn efficiently on their own, it’s certainly unnecessary to attend cram school. But if children have difficulties in learning core subjects that are essential for their future development, parents should help them choose suitable tutours and resources to catch up. Parents should be aware that even the best-intentioned parental pressure can go too far, they should focus more on the real needs of their children.


