2021-07-29 16:42:50来源:未知作者: 侯晓萌阅读量:
1. What kind of jobs require much energy?
Lots of jobs require a lot of energy, in different ways. For example, manual jobs require a lot of physical energy, stamina and endurance, whilst mental jobs like being a lawyer, a CEO or a CFO, require a different kind of energy – you need to have a sharp and fast-thinking mind. So, there are different types of energy required for different kinds of jobs and they are all tiring in their own different ways. Sometimes, for example, doing some physical manual work can be tiring on the body, but oddly relaxing on the mind. And the opposite is true of a lot of mentally-tiring jobs, you get exhausted from thinking so much and thinking of so many things at the same time, but your body doesn’t get enough exercise. There are pros and cons of all jobs really.
2. Do you think manual work will all be done by machines in the future?
I think most manual work will be done by machines in the future, but this also has some significant downsides. This has been discussed a lot recently as so much factory work, as an example, is done by machines, robots, basically, and this has resulted in less and less jobs being available to lower-skilled workers who rely on such manual jobs as their main source of income. So, I would not really like to see so many manual jobs being taken over by robots, because this means a lot of people will lose their jobs, and if they don’t have other skills, they may find it incredibly difficult to find work. These are some of the key issues that arise from modernization – issues that governments all over the world are needing to address today, as automation in the workforce is becoming so predominant.
3. Do you think manual workers will earn more in the future?
I am not sure. I don’t really understand that much about economics and the workforce really, but I’d guess that they will because the more scarce a job is, usually the better paid it becomes. So, say, for example, certain types of factory jobs, perhaps more skilled manual labour, become more scarce, then those that can do those jobs might end up getting paid more. I’m not entirely sure if it works like this, so it’s really hard for me to say. My friend, who studies, economics, is really into this topic, actually. He has studied a lot about GDP, and wage gaps, and pay rates and things like this because he aims to be an employment lawyer in the future as well as an economist. I often listen to him talking about these topics, but then I get lost because it’s such a complex thing, and there are so manty factors involved in the economy and workforce of a country, that I don’t have enough knowledge of the subject area to understand it properly.
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