
2021-07-28 16:51:14来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  Describe an important text message you received.

  You should say:

  what it was

  when you got it

  who you got it from

  and explain why you thought it was important

  I once received a text message from my mother. This was years ago while I was waiting to hear about my acceptance in university. In those days you received a letter through the post, you see. And I was away from home at the time. So I told my mother, if a letter arrives through the post for me, then please open it, and call me or text me the results – if it’s a letter from the universities application, body. So, at the time I was actually playing basketball with my friends at a leisure centre in Hefei, you see I was staying in Hefei with an uncle of mine, and I have a few friends there too. It was the summer holidays. So, I was playing basketball, and doing quite well, if I remember correctly. The game ended and we all shook hands and went to go get changed. I was sweating a lot because it was really hot that summer too, and I’d been playing really energetically. When I got to the changing rooms and opened my locker I checked my phone. I saw a missed call from my mother, then I saw I had also received a text message. I opened it and I found that she had, indeed, received a letter for me through the post, and it was an unconditional offer for the university I really wanted to study at! In England. So I was really happy. I’d not only played really well in my basketball game, but I’d also got the offer I wanted in the university I wanted to study at. So, of course it was an important message, and of course I felt fantastic.



