
2021-07-28 16:44:29来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  1. Do you think traditional letters are a good way to send messages?

  Traditional letters today are not a very efficient way to communicate – hardly anyone communicates in this way these days. It’s best to use messenger services on our mobile phone or email for business situations. Letters can be nice though – they can be a nice and personal way to communicate – maybe if I find a girl I fall in love with I might write her a love letter – this is a romantic tradition that I think is very sweet.

  2. Have people changed the ways they communicate with each other?

  Yes, radically. At least since I was a child. Today people are chatting on line all the time on WeChat and these kind of messenger services. It’s the main form of communication, actually. In some ways this is great, but it also has downsides – I think people might be losing the ability to talk and chat face to face!

  3. Do technological advances have a negative impact on communication?

  Yes, of course, In fact, they are the primary thing that impacts communication. Our communication has been revolutionized by technology. Especially in the past 10 years or so, there have been giant leaps in tech developments and advances. It’s actually a bit scary in some ways!

  4. Is it more polite to make phone calls than send text messages?

  It used to be… But today people are not really accustomed to sending messages. In fact, it has become quite normal to communicate even important business decisions, send documents and project work and all sorts, via WeChat messages, moreso than even emails in some cases.



