
2021-07-28 14:58:12来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:


  Describe a (jigsaw, crossword, etc) puzzle you have played.

  You should say:

  What it is like

  How easy or difficult it is

  How long it takes you to solve

  And how do you feel about it.



  In high school, I enjoyed building jigsaw puzzles with my friends. We would meet in the library during our lunch break to play. It was a soothing way to unwind while we prepared for exams at the end of the year.

  jigsaw puzzles 拼图游戏

  unwind 缓解的

  Jigsaws can often be a little frustrating in the beginning because all the pieces are unfamiliar. But little by little, we found pieces that belong together.

  frustrating 令人沮丧的

  little by little 渐渐

  In general, we start by looking for the puzzle pieces from the edges of the image. I found it really satisfying to see the image grow piece by piece, and it was fun to build it together with my friend.

  satisfying 令人满足的

  piece by piece 一块一块的

  I remember we couldn't finish the puzzles during a single lunch break, so we would try to place the pieces back into the box at the end of lunch. We had to be careful so that our work wouldn't crumble as we placed it into the box. The next day, we would continue to make a little progress. After two or three days it would be complete and we would take a photo of it. Afterward, we just broke the pieces up again and move onto something else. At the time, it seemed like a little event but now I remember it fondly.

  crumble 破碎

  afterward 随后

  fondly 深深地



