
2021-07-28 14:53:34来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:



  What’s your defifinition of success?

  My defifinition of success is to achieve your goals, be happy  doing it, and make those around you happy as well. It’s a  tall order, which very few succeed in, but by growing and  learning I hope I can somehow make it happen.

  achieve your goals 实现你的目标

  tall order 过高的要求



  What things do children try to succeed in?

  I think children don’t have a clear idea of what success  means and are driven more by competitive spirit. When I  was a kid, I wanted to be the best, not because I wanted  success but because I was competitive. I think kids want  to outdo their friends in sport and in academia, and  generally this is a good thing.

  competitive spirit 竞争精神

  outdo 超过,胜过

  academia 学术界


  Which do you think is more important for people to  become successful? Hard work or opportunities?

  I think, ultimately, hard work is more important. If you  work hard and attain skill at what you do, then the  opportunities will come. I think this is a more positive  outlook too, because you can control how hard you work  but you can’t control the opportunities given to you, and  it’s important to believe that you can at least make a  difference in the path of your own life, if nothing else.

  ultimately 最后

  attain skill 获得技能

  positive  outlook 乐观看法

  opportunity 机会


  Do you think people will be happy if they don’t have  goals to achieve?

  I don’t think they’ll be happy. When people reach the top,  with nowhere left to go and nothing left to achieve,  while they might be satisfified for a while, eventually  they’ll become bored. It becomes more diffificult to fifind any  meaning in life when this happens. This is why I think  that no matter what your circumstance, you should keep  learning and keep trying, because this is what’s most  rewarding in life.

  reach the top 达到巅峰

  circumstance 环境,状况



