
2021-07-27 14:53:54来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  Describe an experience when you were as a member of a team.

  You should say:

  when it was

  who you were working with in the team

  what you did in the team

  and explain how you felt about the teamwork

  I’d like to talk about a time when I participated in a team project in history class. It was when I was in middle school. The teacher divided the class into several groups and set us the task of choosing an event, time or a period in history that we found interesting, then make a presentation about it. We had one week to prepare our presentations, in our free time outside class, and we were told to use pictures, images and any other visual aids or multimedia we wanted. My team consisted of me and three other girls. We chose the period of the Roman occupation of Britain, and we decided to talk about the time when the Romans were flourishing, when their societies in Britain were advanced, and their cities developed – at least for their time, the Roman civilization was the most advanced in the world. You see, the Romans were incredibly advanced for their time, in many ways. We talked about the Roman baths in the city of Bath, and the hot springs that the romans found there. I enjoyed working with the other team members and as a group we decided who would do what tasks to contribute. I was the best at art, so I drew pictures of the goddess of the hot springs and found facts, images and photos of the architectural design of the baths. My colleague, Liu Wei was really good at writing in an informative, engaging and amusing way, so he wrote the description of the building of the famous baths, and my other two colleagues did most of the research in the local library and online about the mythology surrounding the goddess and the hot springs. On the appointed day, we did the presentation in front of the class, and each took turns to talk about a different aspect of the roman baths. It was very well organised, informative and quite funny in places. I found it was a great success and the teacher was very happy with it, and the rest of the class seemed to find it entertaining. I also think that we learned about how to distribute the different tasks in a way that was fair and used each person’s personal talents and abilities to the maximum. We were also quite patient while preparing the presentation, even when we didn’t really agree upon certain things. So, I think these kind of projects are very useful for children to take part in, and an important part of education.



