
2021-07-27 14:49:58来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  1. Do you think it is important for children to have experience as part of a team?

  Yes, I think it’s very important that children learn about teamwork and how to work with other people as a team – when we work in teams we learn the skills of cooperation, patience, listening to other ways of doing things and considering other people’s points of views and perspectives on how to do something. All of these skills are very important for their future life and getting along with others in society, as well as for working with others in adult life, in the working world.

  2. What do you think is the most important quality to be a good team member?

  A good team member is tolerant, patient, understanding of other people’s perspectives and opinions, but also able to clearly and honestly express their own opinions, with diplomacy when necessary.

  3. Would disagreement bring heavy impact to a team?

  Disagreement shouldn’t really be a bad thing if it is expressed and handled maturely. There are ways to express disagreement politely and it’s best that team members learn to talk to others without losing respect even when we disagree. Sometimes, we must also bear in mind that people get passionate and expressive and sometimes their emotions come out too strongly – we must also try to be patient and understanding when others lose their patience or temper and try to deal with it diplomatically and calmly. If we deal with disagreement in a positive and constructive manner, it shouldn’t be a bad thing.



