
2021-07-26 14:32:07来源:未知作者: 小梦阅读量:




  Describe an important journey that has been delayed.

  You should say:

  what it is for

  when and where you planned to go

  why it was delayed

  and explain how you felt about the delay

  Oh I’ve been on several journeys and trips that have been delayed. However the one that really sticks in my mind is a trip to Urumqi in Xinjiang province, to see my grandfather during the October holiday. It takes about 4 hours to get to Xinjiang by plane – it’s really far away. And because my grandfather lives in a small city about 2 hours from Urumqi it means getting a train after arriving by plane – it’s really a massively long journey door to door, and incredibly tiring. Anyway, naturally it was an important journey for us, not only because my grandfather is old now and we do not see him very often, but because it takes almost 2 days of our holiday to travel there and back, which really cuts into our holiday time. Anyway, so I was hugely disappointed and quite frustrated, angry and upset when, at the airport, it was announced that the plane was severely delayed. In fact, it ended up being a really long delay, and all of us got really impatient. Some of the passengers were complaining to the airport authorities when they heard that the plane we were to travel on was not even in the airport yet, but stuck in another city down south, hours from Beijing. Anyway, these things happen in life, and we all calmed each other down, the air company gave us some vouchers for a complimentary meal in one of the restaurants in the terminal and eventually we boarded and had a safe trip. All in all it was ok, and I was happy to see my grandfather, but it was a real test of nerves and patience! China is a big country and Xinjiang is really far away, so it can cut half a day from your holiday if you suffer a big delay like this, as well as making you feel quite stressed and messing up other people’s plans and arrangements at your destination.


  1. What impacts on the natural environment does transport have?

  This is a common topic today, discussed in the news a lot – the carbon footprint, as they call it, of different means of transport. For example, all forms of transport produce emissions that are bad for the environment, that increase the greenhouse effect that warms the planet and causes climate change. Airplanes and huge gasoline intense forms of transport create a lot of emissions, and so do private cars. A lot of efforts are being made to create renewable energy sources and electric vehicles, but we still have a long way to go before this can start reducing the emissions especially in countries that are expanding and developing fast, and are focusing on development more than environmental protection.

  2. How will means of transport improve or develop in future?

  I think more transport will be electric, and I think more public transport options will emerge as well, and less private cars will be encouraged on the roads. I also think that many vehicles will be self-driving, especially buses and taxis.

  3. Will people still choose to drive private cars if the public transport is free?

  I think there will always be lots of people that want to drive their own cars. Cars are still a luxury in many ways and you have a sense of freedom if you have a private car. Furthermore, some people see it as a status symbol, something necessary to show your friends and colleagues.

  4. How can we develop transportation in the countryside?

  The countryside is indeed a place where public transport is sorely lacking. I think that there should be better, more efficient and generally more buses. Buses are the main form of public transport outside of the cities, apart from trains of course – but trains tend to go between cities – in the countryside people rely on buses – so we need to develop better bus services and make them more frequent.



