雅思口语P3有内涵 | 社畜的苦水之job/career相关话题

2021-07-26 09:51:24来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思口语P3有内涵 | 社畜的苦水之job/career相关话题!想要获得口语高分,Part3的发挥在能否冲击高分上起到了关键作用。而Part3的难点在于,很多问题都非常抽象,烤鸭们即使用中文都不一定能回答。而这类题目难度和雅思写作类似,故本栏目结合了口写题目,一并积累提升。



  Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future


  - What makes some jobs more popular than others?

  - Why people‘s idea of the perfect job changes as they grow older?

  - Is money the only reason why people choose certain jobs?

  - How colleagues in the workplace affect the way people work?

  - What are the advantages and disadvantages for individuals of working from home?

  工作类的考题,如果是 还没有接受过社会毒打 年纪比较小的烤鸭,不一定能感同身受,导致没话可说,那我们就来盘一盘工作类话题的常见分类及答案。





  to apply for a job 找工作

  Salary,benefits ,bonus 工资,福利,奖金

  dietary allowance 伙食津贴

  personal worth 个人价值

  a steady job 一份稳定的工作

  a long commute 通勤时间长

  corporate culture 企业文化


  fierce competition激烈的竞争

  a pleasant working environment 舒适愉快的工作环境

  low working efficiency 工作效率低下

  face-to-face communication 面对面沟通

  squeeze out some cost savings 节省成本


  career planning 职业规划

  external environment 外部环境

  turnover 人员流动

  improve career competitiveness 提高职业竞争力

  intensive work高强度的工作

  increase the company's operating costs 增加公司运营成本

  the middle-aged 中年人






  问:What occupation will children want to choose nowadays?

  Young people prefer some interesting job, which are more creative, flexible, and dynamic. Because they youngsouls are more creative and they can always come up with good ideas. And they dislike constant work.

  问:Will children choose the same career as their parent?

  I think it depends on the attitude of parents towards their work. If parents like their work and show enthusiasmfor it, children are l likely to be influenced and choose the same job. On the contrary, if parents often complainabout work, children will not choose the same job.

  问:Why do Chinese students feel stressful?

  I think students in every country are stressful. They have to face the stress from their parents, their peers and theirteachers. While, Chinese students are extremely stressful especially before they pass the college entranceexamination, which would decide the university, the major and even their life in the future.

  问:Will you regret your choice when you are old?

  I don’t know if I’ll regret it. After all, I’m not old enough. But I know that the choices and decisions I’m makingnow are most in line with the current needs, after repeated thinking and weighing.

  问:What occupation is popular in your country?

  Careers that earn more are certainly more popular. For example, computer software application engineer. Withthe rise of Huawei mobile phones and various electronic products made in China, more and more people want tobecome code farmers. Besides, advanced financial controller is also popular in China as finance is an importantaspect of every business and hold the market.




