
2021-07-23 17:14:23来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:



  # Did you have barbecue when you were a child?

  # What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

  # Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?

  # Do Chinese people like barbecue?


  # 第1个问题

  Did you have barbecue when you were a child?


  如果你的情况是Yes. 那么你说完Yes之后可以再讲一点儿别的“细节”,即5W1H:




  What 吃/发生了什么?

  How.频率(how often)?你的感受(how you felt)?

  -Did you have barbecue when you were a child?


  Um…yes. I remember one time my parents took me to the restaurants and ordered some barbecue lamb, which smelled really good. But they didn’t allow me to eat much coz they think spicy food was not good for a child’s health.


  As far as I remember, I didn’t experience having a barbecue in my childhood. I think the first time I had barbecue, if my memory is right, was on one of my friends’ birthday party when I was in high school. We ordered some takeout barbecue from a restaurant, and they tasted good.

图片 来源网络

  # 第2个问题

  What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

  这是一个opinion & feeling关于你的“观点 & 感受”类型的问题。你的感受什么,你喜欢什么就说出来就好。


  第一,考试情况下,巧妙避开,挑自己会说的词说,比如关于食物,牛肉羊肉猪肉鸡肉大家应该都会,或者会好几个吧?beef, lamb, pork, chicken。蔬菜应该也会几样?白菜土豆cabbage, potato,或者就直接说vegetable。

  第二,非常重要的,要“改述”,要用你会的词去把想说而又不知道的“生词”表达出来。比如“脆骨”,可以说the soft bone from chicken that you can chew 。




  Chicken wing is definitely my favorite, especially the spicy ones. I also like lamb and beef. Yeah, I’m a meat lover. Another thing that I like might sound a little bit strange, the chicken gristle. I really like the texture of it.


  There are many things I like for barbecue. For example, lamb skewers, which I would order whenever I go for a barbecue. I think I can eat 20 of them every time. I also like barbecue potato, mushroom and eggplant. It seems that they have a totally different taste than being cooked in a regular way in the kitchen.

  # 第3个问题

  Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?

  这同样是一个opinion & feeling“观点 & 感受”类型的问题。也是我们经常遇到的prefer类型的问题,相比之下二选一,当然你也可以选both,或者“看情况”


  Well, I like to have barbecue with my friends better coz we have so much fun every time when we do that. We talk about everything even some silly things we’ve done over the barbecue. There is always a lot of laughter.


  I like both. My dad is an expert in making barbeque. And I really enjoy preparing the food with my mom and dad and have a chitchat, you know, to have some quality time with them. Eating barbecue with my friends is also very relaxing coz we always have a lot of things to talk about and laugh about.

  # 第4个问题

  Do Chinese people like barbecue?

  这个问题是一个fact“事实性”问题,而且它的提问范围不是“你”,而是扩大到了Chinese people,这种题目在Part 3也很常见。






  Yes. I’d say most people like barbecue. That’s the reason why you can see so many barbecue restaurants in China. During the summer, you can see people eating barbecue and drinking beer in the restaurants or some food stalls in the street market in the evening or even till midnight.


  Well, it depends. I suppose people in the north like barbecue while people in the south not, especially people in Guangdong, coz they think eating barbecue creates a lot of inner body heat, which would cause some illness like mouth inflammation.


  spicy food 辣的食物

  if my memory is right 如果我没记错的话

  order some takeout barbecue 叫了一些外卖的烧烤

  Chicken wing 鸡翅

  Lamb 羊肉

  Meat lover 喜欢吃肉的人

  Chicken gristle 鸡脆骨

  Lamb skewer 羊肉串

  Mushroom 蘑菇

  have so much fun 非常开心

  an expert in … 非常擅长/这方面的专家…..

  quality time  “有质量的时光” 通常指人与人之间心无旁骛的、认真度过、很有意义的时间

  food stalls 小吃摊

  mouth inflammation 口腔炎症


