
2021-07-23 09:59:19来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思口语P2/P3参考回答-做手工   本文为大家分享雅思口语素材供参考学习!环球雅思课程正在报名组班中,戳在线客服预约试听


  I'm going to talk about eggshell mosaic, which was an activity I did in art classes at primary school.

  I remember it was in grade two. One day, our art teacher told us to bring some egg skins to class the next day. My classmates and I were confused before the teacher expained that we were going to paint with the pieces of eggshell. Then we became so excited since we had never done that before.

  I asked my mom to boil several eggs for me the nexe morning, but I didn’t eat them. I just cracked the eggs and carefully peeled the shell off. In the class, the teacher showed us various paintings made of eggshell, including fishes, flowers, trees, houses and foods, all of which were painted with different colors, looking quite gorgeous. I couldn’t wait to start making my own pictures.

  I decided to make an eggshell mosaic of lotus, which is my favortie flower. Following the teacher’s guidance, I first drew several lotuses on my sketchbook with pencil, then I applied glue onto the drawing, took a piece of eggshell and pressed it firmly onto the paper. The shell with crack was just the mosaic kind of look I wanted. The last step was to color the lotuses that had been covered with eggshell, I used pink for the petals and green for their stems.

  My work was rated A and that gave me a sense of achievement. That’s one reason why I love this activity. Besides, I felt quite pleasant with this craft since I love to hear the sound of crack beneath my fingers, which is kind of a guilty pleasure.



  1.What traditional handcrafts are popular in China?

  There are a great variety of traditional handcrfats in China, but only a few of them are still popular these days. The first one is paper cutting, since it’s easier to learn. You can find such classes in both primary schools and universities for the elderly. People also buy paper cuttings from markets or shops to decorate their homes during the Spring Festival. Another kind of Chinese craft is embroidery. You can find lots of online stores selling DIY packages that are used for making various embroidery goods like pouches, bags and toys. In contrast, other traditional handcrafts like wood carving and sugar-figure blowing are less popular because of their complexity.

  2.What do young people think of traditional handcrafts?

  I’m not sure. Perhaps some young people are interested in traditional handcrafts since I once read news on the internet that there are many young working adults learning to do wood work in their leisure time in recent years. Similarly, lots of school students are attending extra-curricular activities like making clay figurines and animals. They probably have found fun in traditional handcrafts. Meanwhile, there must be some young people who do not think much of traditional handcrafts. They may consider these crafts as old and out-of-date, having no interest in understanding them.

  3.Do people in your country send handcrafts as gifts?

  Yes we do. Handcrafts are great presents, especially when we need to visit foreign friends, or relatives who live abroad. Traditional handcrafts like paper cutting, embroidery, Chinese fan and battik are signs of Chinese culture and relevant products can hardly be found in other countries. So we would like to send these unique gifts to those who are interested in China. In fact, we would also DIY handcrafts and send them as wedding gifts or brithday gifts to our friends and family memebers. If you visit a newly-married couple’s home in China, you might find a cross stich picture or photo hanging on the wall in the living room, which is made by the mom of the bride or the groom.

  4. What are the benefits of making handcrafts?

  Making handcrafts is beneficial for people in different age groups. For children, it helps to train the eye and the hand. When making things by hand, children need to observe, developing a useful habit in their studies and life. Also, handicrafts can help cultivate children’s sense of art and appreciation for beauty, helping to discover and realize youngsters’ potential. For adults, crafting is a great way to get stress relief. It can provide an escape, just like reading a book, which allows you to focus on what you are doing and forget about your worries. More interestingly, those who are talented at making handcrafts may even make extra money as a part-time artist.


