雅思口语高分素材part1积累:小学(Primary school)

2021-07-22 16:26:57来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:

  很多考鸭对雅思口语都比较头疼,明明自己已经很用心的备考,但是雅思口语成绩却一直不理想。那么想要提高雅思口语分数,考鸭平时就需要加强对雅思口语素材的积累。下面整理了雅思口语素材part1积累:小学(Primary school),供雅思考生们参考,希望对大家的雅思口语提分有所帮助,预祝大家早日跟雅思口语说分手!


  雅思口语高分素材part1积累:小学(Primary school)

  Primary school

  1 What did you like to do the most when you were in primary school?

  I enjoyed playing with my friends and doing art lessons. I am a more creative person so I enjoy more social and artistic activities than more science-based subjects. So, I enjoyed art, drama and playing with friends.

  2 How did you go to your primary school?

  I went to school on foot. it was just round the corner from where I lived, so it was nearby and when I was very young my grandmother walked to school with me, and as I got older I went with a classmate of mine who lived in the same area.

  3 How did you like your primary school?

  I quite enjoyed it, I think. I found the pressure a bit intense and some of the classes a bit boring and regimental, but generally speaking I enjoyed it. I enjoyed being with other kids. I am a very social person and always have been.

  4 What did you do in your leisure time when you were at primary school?

  I usually played football. I was really into football, so in my free time I spent a lot of time outside playing football. I lived in Kunming as a child, and was raised there, so it's warm and you can play outdoors almost all year round.

  以上是雅思口语高分素材part1积累:小学(Primary school),供大家参考。环球教育雅思培训班正在招生中,想了解详情,请在线咨询。


