
2021-07-21 17:05:14来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思口语P2有话说|8分素材之喜欢的歌手或演员     更多雅思考试备考干货,请关注环球教育!环球雅思暑期班正在报名组班中,一起来学习吧,在线咨询预约试听哦


  I’d like to describe my favorite singer whose name is Chen Yixun or Eason as his fans like to call him. Born and raised in Hongkong, Eason has been singing for over three decades, and his name is well-known in China. I think he is in his late 40s, but he is still pretty active both on and off stage. I mean he still holds concerts every year, and whenever I see him in a talk show or an interview, he looks so energetic always with a big smile on his face. So, if I were to characterize him, I would say he is outgoing, optimistic and passionate about his singing career.

  Talking about his style, well, he is a pop singer and is very versatile if I may say so. Throughout his singing career, he’s tried different kinds of music styles like R&B, rap, blues and even rock. I think that explains why he is able to remain popular with the audience --- he always tries to explore in music and never gets satisfied.

  Finally, let me explain why he is my favorite singer. Well, it is his voice, which sound so natural, and thus attractive. When listening to his songs, you don’t feel he is so obsessed with the so-called techniques. I mean he’s just there telling you a deeply felt story with the lyrics and melody. Besides, I guess, most important, I like singing his songs. And I find a close resemblance between our voices. It is this resemblance that I feel connects me to Eason.


  Born and raised in 出生且在何地长大

  pretty active both on and off stage 在台前台下一直很活跃

  outgoing, optimistic and passionate 外向、乐观、热情


  R&B, rap, blues and even rock 说唱,R&B,蓝调,摇滚

  is so obsessed with 对...痴迷

  with the lyrics and melody用歌词和曲调

  a close resemblance between 很强的相似性


