
2021-07-20 15:34:59来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  1.Do people smile more when they are younger or older?

  It is my opinion that whether people smile more has nothing to do with age. People who love smiling would smile all the time no matter how old they are. Those who dislike smiling may not smile even when they feel happy. We have various happy moments at different periods of life. Those who are positive and would love to express their emotions through facial expressions would always be smiling no matter when.

  2.Do you think people who like to smile are more friendly?

  If the smile is sincere, then I would say yes. The reason is that smiling gives others a feeling that the person is happy and easy-going. Instead, those who dislike smiling make others feel they are unhappy or emotionless. However, if the smile fake, people can easily feel it. We wouldn't consider those who have fake smiles are friendly people.

  3.Why do most people smile in photographs?

  The most obvious explanation is that people want to have a beautiful image in the photo. Smiles have the magical power of making people look more attractive. When we look at the camera and the photographer, we want them to feel our positive energy by giving a smiling expression. In the future, when we look at the photos, we would feel happy too. That’s why most people smile in photographs.

  4.Do women smile more than men? Why?

  Generally speaking, yes. Women are usually more emotional. They tend to leave a good impression by smiling a lot. In comparison, men are not good at expressing their feelings through facial expressions as women do. They may also don't care so much about leaving a good impression on others or making others feel nice. Therefore, women smile more often than men.



