
2021-07-20 14:58:34来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  雅思口语素材Part3事件类:生活计划,说到计划这个词我们应该是很熟悉的,成长计划,学习计划,健身计划等等,这里我们为大家分享一些关于生活计划的雅思口语素材,供大家参考!内容来源网络 ,希望对大家的雅思备考能够有所帮助,如果你需要专业的雅思口语指导,也可以戳客服在线咨询!

  NO.1Should parents make plans for children?

  It is a normal thing for parents to make plans for the children when they are younger, because the children are less independent and less capable. However, as their children grow older they should have more freedom to plan for themselves. It is important they are able to learn to do these things for themselves.

  independent 独立的

  capable 有能力的

  freedom 自由

图片 来源网络

  NO.2When should children start to make plans for themselves?

  Probably around the age of 13, or perhaps a little younger. This is when they will start developing into adults both physically and mentally, so it is important they learn to be more independent and responsible. Especially because at this age they will begin to spend more time with friends, and in a few years will begin seeking part time jobs and starting relationships.

  physically 身体上的

  mentally 心理上的

  especially 特别地

  NO.3What things should be planned on a daily basis?

  Time tables are something that should be planned daily. It is vital to get to school or work at the correct time for example. Another important example are things like sleeping and studying. If you try to do these at the same time each day, they will become easier.

  vital 重要的

  NO.4Are plans always necessary? Can people succeed without plans?

  A plan is not always necessary and it is definitely possible to succeed without one. However, a good plan will make success more easily obtainable and make the process more smooth. Without a plan, it is not always clear how to proceed and can lead to barriers that prevent success.

  definitely 可疑地

  obtainable 可获得的

  smooth 顺利的

  proceed 开始

  barriers 障碍



