
2021-07-19 09:59:25来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:


图片 来源网络

  问:What can people do to become much healthier?

  According to my experience, there’s no quick-fix solution to adopting a healthy lifestyle. It’s important to implementsmall steps and keep up with them consistently, for example, eating nutritious foods, exercising consistently, findingpeace of mind and getting plenty of rest.

  问:Why do Chinese students feel stressful?

  I think students in every country are stressful. They have to face the stress from their parents, their peers and theirteachers. While, Chinese students are extremely stressful especially before they pass the college entranceexamination, which would decide the university, the major and even their life in the future.

  问:How can government improve people health?

  The government could provide more fitness equipment in public parks where people could exercise in their sparetime. Besides, the government could make some TV programs to preach the benefits of healthy lifestyle and showpeople how to keep health.


