
2019-08-22 17:41:07来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:


  Ted老师最近看了这样一部电影,觉得非常不错,如今想找这样一部好电影已经很难,为什么说它好,大家可以把我的这些观点加到你的雅思口语中,如果you are lucky enough to be asked about films.

  优点1. The cast is good演员,女主角是Mia Wasikowska,也就是爱丽丝梦游仙境的女主,猜你一定知道。而男主Tom Hiddleston,雷神里面的大反派Loki,里面他说的英式英语大家要反复回味


  优点2. 这个电影可以draw your whole attention,也就是全无尿点,这也是好的电影的特点,观众不想错过里面的每一分钟

  优点3. 尊重观众的智商respect viewers’ IQ, 当你观看这部电影时,当你真的看完这部电影时,你对电影里面设的迷找到了合理的答案,这也是一种很好的感觉。

  优点4. 这是一部恐怖片,里面的有些画面确实可以让你感觉有些upset或者stunned(吓到了),但当你看过之后又不需要担心睡不着觉。所以不必担心明天的工作或者学习。






  In the aftermath of a family tragedy, an aspiring author is torn between love for her childhood friend and the temptation of a mysterious outsider. Trying to escape the ghosts of her past, she is swept away to a house that breathes, bleeds - and remembers.

  经典对白 quotes

  Ghosts are real, this much I know. There are things that tied them to a place, very much like they do to us. Some remained tied to a bunch of land, a time and date, a spilling of blood, a terrible crime... There are others, others that hold on to an emotion, a grief, a lost, revenge, or love. Those, they never go away.

  Beautiful things are fragile... At home we have only black moths. Formidable creatures, to be sure, but they lack beauty. They thrive on the dark and cold.

  A house as old as this one becomes, in time, a living thing. It starts holding onto things... keeping them alive when they shouldn't be. Some of them are good; some of them bad... Some should never be spoken about again.

  好了,这是一部相对dark的影片,但Ted老师觉得它很beautiful,也很喜欢里面男主角但英式英语,也是我想再看一遍的电影(catch my drift)


