
2019-08-21 15:34:37来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:

  雅思口语中的同义词替换都有哪些要注意的呢?其实在雅思口语中一个重要的技巧是释义,即用不同的词来表示同一个意思。在回答的时候,通过对问题的释义,就能够获得词汇分。举一个简单的例子来解释,“Do you like animals?” 若我们的回答是, “Yes, I do.”那么我们只是简单回答了问题本身,而未能在词汇上有突破;若我们的回答是, “Yes, I like all kinds of creatures.” 回答依然简单,但是由于我们改变了词语,我们就得到了词汇分,当然若要分数更好些,我们需要对回答进行补充,这样才能做到尽善尽美。下面我们就雅思口语的三个部分列举例子一一阐述paraphrasing在释义问题上的运用。


  第一部分和第三部分释义问题的例子 (请关注黑体部分):

  Example 1:

  Q: Are names important?

  A1: Yes, I think they’re significant.

  A2: Yes, Chinese people attach a lot of importance to their names.

  Example 2:

  Q: What kind of sports do people like?

  A1: Well, there are a great number of recreational activities that people enjoy.

  A2: Well, there are a wide range of physical activities that people enjoy.

  Example 3:

  Q:What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a retired person at home?

  该问句在回答时advantages可替换成 benefits, positives aspects, pluses, pros, good things等;disadvantages可替换成drawbacks, demerits, negatives, negative aspects, minus sides, cons,downsides等。

  Example 4:

  Q: Are there any problems?

  A1: Yes, there are many concerns.

  A2: Yes, there are many issues.

  Example 5:

  Q: Are there many differences?

  A: Yes, there are many distinctions.

  我们在回答Part One 和Part Three问题的时候,要提醒自己对问题中的个别词进行替换。


  在2013年第一季度,我们有个高频考题 Describe something you bought but dissatisfied.



