
2019-08-19 17:22:24来源:无锡环球教育作者: 景景阅读量:

  无论是托福还是雅思,口语一直是中国考生的一大难题,受很多因素的影响,中国考生在备考雅思或者托福的时候,要在口语上下很多功夫,那么口语的part2部分该如何拿高分呢?口语part2一直是学生最为头疼的一个部分, 因为其在整个考试中占得比重较大,但是学生在这一部分的表现力比较弱。






  其次, part2中的问题是围绕一个话题展开, 问题之间互有逻辑. 学生在展开part2时,不仅要发现逻辑并且要用适当连接词或句进行承上启下.




  Describe an article about healthy lifestyle from the Internet or the books.

  You should say:

  What the article was

  When and where you read it

  How it was related to healthy life

  And explain why you think it is a good idea

  You know nowadays people have got used to a sedentary lifestyle and have developed an excessive attachment to the computers, so the health condition of most people is questionable. For me, I've also experienced a depressing phase of weight gaining and poor sleep last year. Fortunately, an article I read from Vogue about healthy lifestyle inspired me. It tells me walking is an easily accessible but fairly effective activity. Since then I've kept it as a routine of my life.

  In the article, it suggests an innovative wearable device: apple watch to monitor the body condition while walking. It can collect information of distance, calorie consumption and heartbeat. All the data can be synced to the phone wirelessly which could add so much fun to this dull sport. It also points out that walking can improve your sleeping quality. And a good sleep could be the best skincare products which could make your skin look shinny and radiant. In the article, a healthy diet is strongly recommended as well to amplify the effect of walking. A low-calorie recipe based on fresh fruits and vegetables can make sure the body takes in more vitamins and less fat.


  第一段中You know nowadays people have got used to a sedentary lifestyle and have developed an excessive attachment to the computers, so the health condition of most people is questionable. For me, I've also experienced a depressing phase of weight gaining and poor sleep last year.回答了Why I should keep walking. Fortunately, an article I read from Vogue about healthy lifestyle inspired me. It tells me walking is an easily accessible but fairly effective activity. Since then I've kept it as a routine of my life. 回答了what the activity is.

  第二段中将问题How it was related to healthy life和explain why you think it is a good idea结合在了一起.

  从篇幅上来看,文章第二段应该是全篇的重点部分. 其中涵盖三点分别是: an innovative device, improve sleep, low-calorie diet. 为了将这三点有机结合起来, 连接词(文中红字部分)贯穿全文. 因为是描述一篇文章,比较推荐客观专业的语气: it suggest, it points out. It is suggested



