
2019-08-19 15:08:26来源:环球教育作者: 小羊阅读量:



  俗话说:知己知彼,百战不殆。我们需要先了解雅思口语PART-2部分的特点。所有会出现在PART-2部分的话题都可以分为五个种类:people & animals(人物动物类);objects(物体类);events(事件类);places(场所类);media & entertainment(媒体娱乐类)。所以只要掌握了其中一种话题的准备方法,其他的话题就迎刃而解了。我们就以物品类话题为例。

  Describe a photo, you should say:

  Where and when the photo was taken

  What this photo is about

  What this photo reminds you of

  And explain why you think this photo is special

  Speaking of a photo, I want to talk about a photo which was taken in Yu Yuantan Park in this April.

  It is an adorable snapshot of me standing in front of lots of cherry trees, which are the biggest feature of Yu Yuantan Park in spring. You know, all the cherry blossoms, which are called “Sakura ”in Japanese, are in full blossom in spring. All the cherry blossoms are in different tones of pink and white: bright pink, light pink, ivory white, all the fancy and romantic colors you could possible imagine. The color combination is super eye-catching! And in this photo, you can see some cherry trees’branches extending out over the beautiful river. And the water cherry blossoms. The most amazing thing is that there are lots of cherry blossom petals falling down like snowflakes. Wow, it is just like a fairyland.

  I love this photo so much that I got it enlarged, framed and put on the desk in my living room. It always reminds me of a fantastic view at YuYuantan Park. It is an awesome photo!


  很多考生肯定觉得犯难了,每个题目如果都要准备这么多,那要背多少书才能准备好考试呢?其实没篇文章都是可以举一反三,反复使用的。 比如这篇例文中描述了观赏樱花的情景,那么除了照片的话题,还可以用于喜欢的公园,季节,城市,景点,放松的一天,旅游,卡片等等话题。(见下图)他们之间不可能完全借用,但至少可以借用一部分。这就需要大家在考试前就多思考,划出联想图。这样在考场上遇到题目就可以以最快的速度做出反应。


  关于其他描述物体的题目,可以再分为几个小类别,比如:furniture, sculpture, painting, clothes, tools等五六篇短文就可以了。在考试中遇到任何物品题都可以联想到已经准备好的材料上。


