
2022-06-13 10:23:22来源:上名校作者: coco阅读量:



Today people live longer after retiring from work. What problems does this cause for individuals and society? What can be done to address these problems?




As a result of improved medical care and living conditions, people’s life expectancy has reached seventies or eighties in many countries. Living longer is a symbol of social progress, but it causes some problems to individuals and society as a whole.

After retirement, most senior citizens live on their pension, which is usually less than the salary they could earn when they were at work. The decline of the income means more likelihood of financial difficulty. For elderly people, lack of companionship is also a big concern. Many seniors feel lonely or isolated as their adult children are always busy with their own business. What is worse is that some elderly people are not able to live independently for health reasons, suffering from pains both physically and psychologically.

On the social level, the government needs to raise its budget to support retired people, leading to a heavy burden on taxpayers. In addition to pension, other costs will also rise, with large sums of money spent in constructing more hospitals and nursing homes for senior citizens. Also, as the proportion of retired people grows, the working population will shrink correspondingly, which may pose a challenge to the country’s economic development.

To address the problems brought by ageing of population, active measures need to be taken. One possible method is to raise the age of retirement, so older workers can remain longer in the labor force, earning more money for later life and making greater contributions to society. To provide a better living place for old people, the government and private companies should invest more in building retirement communities, equipped with professional caregivers and provided with various activities. Besides paid staff, volunteers in the community are also encouraged to visit the retirement community and help to take care of elderly residents.




