
2021-09-08 09:26:27来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:




  The life cycle of a kind of large fish, salmon, is illustrated by this flow chart.

  An appropriate place for adult salmons to lay eggs is upper river with water moving slowly, and eggs are often produced under small stones at the root of reeds. After 5 or 6 months’ growth, eggs become fries with a length of 3 to 8 cm.

  Then,fries will leave to lower rivers where the water flow is relatively fast. They will spend approximately 4 years living there, and subsequently their length will reach 12 to 15 cm, called smolts.

  Smolts will move to the open sea where they will live for about 5 years.After 5 years living there, they become 70 to 76 cm, called Adults salmon. Having swam back to where they were born, they will produce their own eggs there. That is how their life cycles.

  In summary, salmon spend their whole life in three places and their life cycles usually last for almost 10 years.





  It is illustrated by this flow chart how instant noodles are produced in the production line. The whole process includes 8 clear steps.


  In the first step, flour is transported to storage silos by trucks, and then it is mixed with water and oil in a mixer. Going through rollers, the mixture becomes dough sheets, which will be cut into dough strips and then processed into noodles discs over the next two steps. Thereafter, these discs are ready to be fried by cooking oiland then will be dried. In the next step, each dried disc will be put into a cup and then covered by some vegetables and spices. In the last step, those cups are labelled and sealed. Finally, the whole process is completed by those instant cup noodles being packaged.


  In summary, for the production of instant noodles, flour, water, oil,vegetables, and some spices should be prepared as ingredients and seasoning. Meanwhile, after flour, oil and water is mixed, the dough will be rolled into sheets, cut into stripes, processed into discs,and deep fried. Subsequently, dried noodles discs will at last be packaged with some condiments.



