
2021-08-16 09:24:23来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:





  问:What's your definition of success?

  My definition of success is that I complete the planned tasks within the scheduled time. I don't like to compare withothers. As long as I do better than before, it is my progress. So I will set many small plans for myself on the basis ofbig goals. In this way, every time I achieve a small goal, I will feel happy and be satisfied. So I can encourage myselfto continue to work hard.

  问:What things do children try to succeed in?

  Children don't need to achieve big goals. They can be regarded as successful if they insist on accomplishing smalltasks every day. For example, learn five words every day, clean their room every day, and eat vegetables and fruitsevery day.

  问:Which do you think is more important for people to become successful? Hard work or opportunities?

  I think hard work and opportunities are very important for success, but opportunities are more necessary. Because,if you are bad luck, has not met the good opportunities all the time, no matter how hard you work, you may havebeen unknown.

  问:Do you think people will be happy if they don't have any goals to achieve?

  In the short run, people can be happy without goals. For example, on weekends or short holidays, people like tostay at home, reading, cooking and enjoying the time with their families. But in the long run, people need to setgoals and try to achieve them to gain satisfaction, achievement and happiness.



