
2021-08-13 14:04:17来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:

  雅思写作A类Task2大作文怎样拿到高分?雅思考生在平时就需要常积累一些雅思Task 2大作文写作素材。考生在备考时可以通过学习优秀雅思素材的优美句式,积累重要词汇。下面是雅思写作A类Task2大作文高分素材积累:年轻人换工作的原因及优劣势。希望对大家的雅思写作备考有所帮助。



  雅思写作A类Task 2大作文题目:

  Young people in the workforce are changing their jobs or career every a few years.

  What do you think are the reasons? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

  雅思写作A类Task 2大作文范文

  Nowadays, a rising number of young working adults are becoming job hoppers. This essay will discuss the causes of this phenomenon, and prove why I believe that there are more positive outcomes than negative ones.

  What has led to the frequent job or career change among young people is obvious. One of the causes is that their vocational expectation is not being satisfied. Young people always have ambitions to achieve something in their work commitments, but their ideas are sometimes not valued by their employers. Thus, they change jobs or careers to show their talents. Additionally, young people are generally not offered a good pay. Although it is fair not to be paid well during the first a few years due to the lack of practical experience, if a regular pay rise is not seen, young people’s motivation to work will gradually disappear, encouraging them to find a position where they can be better rewarded financially.

  In my opinion, compared with the drawbacks of this trend, benefits are more noticeable. Young people can be regarded as disloyal to employers, but they are more likely to find a position for which they are better suited in the long run. This means that after several trials, young people will clearly know where their interest lies; therefore, the change gives them the possibilities to try out there in the market. Moreover, all the experience they gradually accumulate contributes to a better salary. During the process, they may have dealt with different cases, and the experience generated as a consequence enables them to address more sophisticated issues, which is employers are willing to pay a high salary for.

  In conclusion, seeing no hope for future career development and the uncertainty of income are behind young people hopping from one job to another. I believe that such changes assist young people in eventually finding their ideal job, and increase the possibility of securing a well-paid position.



