
2021-08-03 09:40:13来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  7月31日雅思大作文示范写作|食物为什么跋山涉水而来?2021年7月31雅思大作文题目:Today some food travels thousands of miles from the farm to the consumers.Why is this? Is it a positive or negative trend?











  With international trade increasing greatly over the past few decades, now supermarkets can source foods from farms thousands of miles away. There could be several reasons why this is the case, and I think this is a desirable trend.

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  The first reason why we import food is that demand fuels supply. To explain, as food tastes become more international, consumers seek a more diverse food supply that is simultaneously tasteful and affordable. Western people, for example, have an increasing demand for Asian cuisines. These foods, if produced in countries where labor and production costs are just a fraction of those in their homegrown counterparts, are often sold at lower prices, which has further made food imports a desirable decision. Another reason is the increasingly efficient modes of transport, including sea freight, road and rail transportation, and air freight, with which food can travel between continents and reach consumers’ tables within just one day.

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  Some people are criticizing food imports for, on the face of it, long-distance transportation generates great quantities of carbon dioxide emissions, but it is production emissions but not transport ones that dominate food emissions. I would argue that there are more positive impacts. Most directly, importing food enables people to access more high-quality choices. The quality is safeguarded as regulations on these foods are usually so strict that only the best ones can end up on the market. Not only that, but both importing and exporting create more available jobs such as intermediaries and haulers, boosting the economy on a global level.


  In conclusion, to meet consumers’ demand for foods of more varieties, some food now travels thousands of miles to consumers, and the efficient means of transport has made this possible. As an indispensable part of our current food system, the food of long-distance travel benefits both consumers and the global economy.


