2021-07-08 14:46:21来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:
The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has sparked a health crisis that in turn has unleashed an unprecedented deployment of resources. Researchers, businesses, and innovators around the world are putting technology to work to alleviate the effects of the global health crisis.
1. 民众生活
While the rest of the society is tanking from the crippling impact of the coronavirus, services from technology companies are holding steady, even thriving.
Amazon has a surging demand as shoppers now reluctant to go to the store are turning to the e-commerce giant for a wider variety of goods, like groceries and over-the-counter drugs. Online retailers has gone high and low to maintain a steady supply of necessities with improved logistics and warehouse management to weather the exploding demand. As a response to the satisfactory services, a permanent shift in buying habits of the public is also observed as more people are forced to stay at home during the pandemic, unable to lay their hands on physical stores.
With people told to work from home and stay away from others, the pandemic has deepened reliance on online communication services to keep people together. Video call applications have become essential tools for dealing with confinement and not losing contact, especially for those who live alone. Some of the most popular applications are Skype, WhatsApp and Zoom. These applications are being used both to organise meetings for teams of remote workers and to help loved ones stay in touch with one another. There is also an unleashing of creativity as users have organised virtual events including concerts, parties or even weddings, for which guests received invitations with a link to a site where they can see the ceremony streamed.
2. 治疗 & 科学研究
Various technology projects have rose to the occasion in the fight against coronavirus, from applications that collect data to track the spread of the virus to employing machine learning to devise treatment and keeping hospitals afloat with telemedicine. The scientific and technology communities have put their full weight behind finding solutions that help mitigate the impact of the pandemic.
Big Data is used in resource and knowledge sharing initiatives to understand the virus genetic tree. Understanding how the new virus behaves is critical in defining measures that stop its spread. Open-source projects provide data, sequencing and visualisations to show evolution of pathogens to help epidemiologist to understand how it evolves in different countries and possible mutations. By sharing the genetic sequencing of 700 cases of the virus with the scientific community in different languages, the project has contributed to corroborating that the virulence of virus has not changed as the virus spread to other countries.
When sufficient quality data is available, artificial intelligence (AI) is proved to be a powerful tool for predicting the disease’s future trend and even looking for possible treatments. Specifically, biotechnology company is using a machine learning model to analyse more than five million immune cells as they search for antibodies that help patients recover and develop potential therapies based on information derived from these analysis.Thanks to AI, 500 antibodies have already been identified as possible candidates for use in future COVID-19 therapies.
Telemedicine is one of the alternatives that communities are turning to in order to avoid overwhelming hospitals with an unmanageable influx of patients. Telemedicine is streamlining the diagnosis and treatment processes, making them faster and easier. Patients merely need to open a phone App, describe their symptoms, and wait for a doctor to get back to them via a virtual consultation. There are examples from around the world. In China, the Xuhui public hospital in Shanghai has consulted with patients as far away as Tibet and even France. In Spain, a Seville-based company has launched a complimentary tele-consultation platform that allows any doctor or clinic to determine the best mechanism for tending to their patients.
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