
2021-06-17 15:11:52来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:

  雅思写作Task1小作文如何拿到高分?重在平时雅思写作Task1小作文素材积累。雅思考生在平时除了自己练习写作外,还要学习优秀雅思写作Task 1小作文范文中的写作思路、词汇等。下面是雅思写作Task1小作文素材:变与不变,希望对大家雅思写作Task1小作文有所帮助。



  Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same, and they do not change their usual habits.

  Compare these two approaches to life. Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.

  Model Answer:

  Some people like to live in the same house, have the same job and habits all their lives. However, others aspire to changes and new experience. Personally, for the several reasons, which I will explain bellow, I prefer the first approach to life.

  First of all, changes in one's life bring many benefits. One tries new things, gains new knowledge and experience. I think it is great because without changes life becomes boring. I always try to make changes in my life. Moreover, when I feel that my life is boring I do not feel well about it. I feel like I spent those days for nothing. I did not do anything exiting, I learnt nothing interesting and I just waisted my time.

  Second of all, people need changes. Furthermore, we need obstacles to overcome and reach our goals. I believe that changes make us stronger, more persistent, more self-confident, and more patient. Also, I feel that all people who succeeded in life like changes and new experience because it is impossible to be the best at some field without perfecting the present knowledge and gain new experience. People catch every opportunity to learn more and change their life for the best.

  From the other side, people who like their lives to stay the same are very permanent. They have the same job all their life, the same habits, the same week-ends and even the same years in years out. I think it is boring. What will they tell their children about their lives? What kind of contribution will they make for the society? I think such people are just afraid of changes.

  I think curiosity and aspiration to the new experience are two of the main reasons of human evolution. People always wanted to break limits and gain more knowledge and experience. So, people who enjoy change are the engine of human development.


  饼图pie chart;直方图或柱形图:bar chart / histogram;趋势曲线图:line chart / curve diagram;表格图:table;流程图或过程图:flow chart / sequence diagram;程序图:processing/procedures diagram。



