雅思写作Task 1小作文范文:体育课应该取消吗

2021-06-03 18:49:15来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:

  雅思写作Task1小作文怎样拿到高分?雅思考生在平时就需要常学习一些雅思Task1小作文范文。同时通过学习优秀雅思写作Task 1小作文范文中的写作思路,积累一些亮点词汇。下面是雅思写作Task 1小作文范文:体育课应该取消吗,希望对大家雅思写作Task1小作文有所帮助。



  With the pressures on today’s young people to succeed academically, some people believe that non-academic subjects at school (eg: physical education and cookery) should be removed from the syllabus so that children can concentrate wholly on academic subjects.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Model Answer:

  What young people should study at school has long been the subject of intense debate and this is a question that certainly does not have one correct answer.

  We need to provide young people the best possible chance of doing well at school. In traditional curriculum there is a wide variety of subjects with a mix of academic and non-academic subjects. In this way a young person is formed with a rounded education. Non-academic subjects would include sports, cooking, woodwork and metalwork. I believe this is the best form of education. A young person should learn things other than academic subjects. Sport is particularly important. Young people have to learn to love sport so that they can be fit and healthy later in life. If not we will be raising an obese and unfit generation.

  I totally understand the point of view that education is so important that students must be pushed as hard as possible to achieve their best. It sounds a good idea to only expose the students to academic subjects as then they can spend all of their school hours on studying areas that will get them into university and good jobs later in life. I just feel a more rounded education would produce a better individual. We must remember too that a lot of people, maybe even most people, aren‛t academically minded and would benefit more from a more vocationally based education. Forcing academic studies onto them would lead to failure and the student leaving school too early.

  Therefore I agree that although a wholly academic curriculum would suit and benefit some young people, I believe that for most students non-academic subjects are important inclusions still in today’s syllabuses.


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