
2021-06-02 15:07:13来源:网络作者: 阿祖阅读量:

  雅思写作对于各位烤鸭来说一直都是一个难点,想要拿雅思写作高分真的是件非常不容易的事。雅思写作有两个评分标准跟口语是一样的,是lexical resource和grammar。但是不同的地方在于雅思写作多了一个task response,对问题的回应程度。很多同学在写作的过程中容易漏漏题和偏题。下面小编就带大家看看提高雅思写作分数的方法。



  第2个不同于雅思口语的评分标准叫做coherence and cooperation,我们写作更讲究连贯性,它不光是句子和句子之间有连贯性,每个段落和段落之间都有连贯性,举个例子,如果是双边议论文题要求同学们去讨论一个东西的优缺点,那么你的第1段讨论优点的话,你第2段就讨论缺点,那么如何去连接这两段呢?你可以用到这样的一些连接词,by contrast, however等等。把这些注意一下,再用上对的结构,很容易提高。以下是针对议论文的一个6.5分框架推荐想要考到6.5的同学可以参考以下的框架。双边议论文一共分为4个自然段。分别是开头段,两个主体段和结论段。


  以下把写作通过内容分类有一些好用的表达全球化类:Charitable organization mobilize resourcesInternational aid medical aidBasic necessities live in povertyGet rid of poverty impoverished countriesA driver of economic growth A source of income Generate employment Charge admission fee An important part of economy犯罪类:A deterrent effect armed policeThink twice vocational/job trainingCurb crime escape punishment Commit a crime sentences Violate laws Carry weaponsServe a prison term Surveillance cameras老年类:Senior citizens/ the old generations / the elderly Out of touch with the worldOld-fashioned ideasAdopt advanced techMake a rash decisionHold back social progressResistant to change Fit into the modern worldSensible adviceRisk averse A financial burden on 扶贫教育类:From less well-off backgrounds/ deprived bg/ disadvantaged ss Exempted from tuition feesDrop out of schoolEducational equalityFree-interest loans break the cycle of povertyThe cost of learning bridge the gap between rich and poorClose the economic divide set scholarshipsFree access to knowledge broadband internet services公共健康类:Easier access to medical servicesPublic hospitalsClinical experience Contract an illness A long waiting list Previously incurable diseasesInfectious/contagious diseasesLife expectancy Boost public health语言文化类:Global language, minority languageLess spoken language cultural identity Endangered language preserve cultural diversitya means of communication cultural invasionpreserve traditions 简而言之,把作文题材分好类,总结好框架,积累好词汇,就可以在短期内大幅提高写作水平了!



