
2021-05-24 10:50:51来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:







  Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people. Why is this case? What can be done to attract local people.




  lt is a truth generally acknowledged that various historical sites and highly acclaimedmuseums are frequently visited by tourists rather than native residents. Here is an essayaiming to illustrate some reasons contributing to this phenomenon and its potentialsolutions.

  The primary reason lies in the fact that familiarity breeds boredom. The overwhelmingmajority of sightseers explore a new city for the sake of feeling her exclusive culturalheritage or appreciating museums which are exotic to them.However, the local people areseldom in the mood to enjoy indigenous scenery since mental pleasure or visual enjoymentmore often than not arises out of exploring the known. Moreover, the relatively expensiveticket of museums might create formidable barriers for local citizens. The enthusiasm ofvisitors of outside places is supported by sufficient tourist budget and tremendous vigourwhereas the wonderful wish of the local to visit nearby scenery is often handicapped bytheir limited budget.

  When it comes to how to motivate indigenous people to visit adjacent tourist resorts,museums or galleries, several measures could be implemented.The first one would be forthe museum to contain several entertaining or delightful elements as the main purpose ofvisiting such places is for pleasure and enjoyment and the purpose might be defeated with alack of humorous factors. Thus,some theme visit activities might be suggested.Furthermore, the local mass media could strengthen the publicity of these places of interestin order to spark the public interests. Lastly, the free-admission policies could be adoptedon some special days so as to encourage locals to enjoy the beauty of these touristattractions.

  In a nutshell, two factors contribute to native people' s slight interest in the local scenicspots. And l contend that three measures including adding some entertaining elements,facilitating the publicity as well as free-admission policies would constitute a crucial step inresolving this problem.




