
2021-04-22 11:34:41来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:





  6分句子:Many children are impatient because they are spoilt by their parents

  7分句子:Many children are impatient as / since they are spoilt by their parents

  注意事项:有些考生把because换成due to,如果句尾是短的名词短语,没问题,但如果后面是长句子,就很不自然。最好用as或since,例如:

  表达自然:Many people today are overweight due to poor diet.

  表达不自然:Many people today are overweight due to relying too much on fast food.

  表达自然:Many people today are overweight as they rely too much on fast food.



  6分句子:The price of housing has risen considerably over the last twenty years.This means that many young people can’t afford to get on the property ladder.

  7分句子:The price of housing has risen considerably over the last twenty years, which means that many young people can’t afford to get on the property ladder.


  When people are given too much choice, they tend to become overwhelmed and find it difficult to settle on one particular option without feeling a sense of regret or worry. This can mean that people defer making a choice, or never feel satisfied with their end choice.

  3. 表达观点时用“before+动名词”替换“and then”

  在2-part类题型的开头段写个人观点句时,很多考生习惯用and then,其实有更好的句式可以提升语法表现,例如:

  6分句子:In this essay, I will examine the causes of global warming and then examine its effects.

  7分句子:In this essay, I will examine the causes of global warming before examining its effects.

  4.用 “Take X for example”替换“For example”

  举例支撑观点是重要的雅思写作技能。多数考生习惯用For example或For instance来引出例子,其实还可以用Take  X for example。具体用法有2种:一是作为一个短句,引出例子;二是作为一个从句的开头。例如:

  6分句子:For example, the pollution levels in China are so high that in some cities it is impossible to walk outside without wearing a mask.

  7分句子:Take China for example. The pollution levels are so high, that in some cities, it is impossible to walk outside without wearing a mask.

  7+句子:Take China for example, where in some cities the pollution levels are so high that it is impossible to walk outside without wearing a mask.


  提高语法分数的途径之一,是使用副词。考生通常忽略副词,因为它们在句子里可有可无,但它们通常是写作水平高的标志。如果在结论里给出个人观点,可以在句子里加一个ultimately,这会给考官留下深刻的最终印象,放在I believe that后面即可。例如:

  6分句子:I believe that social media can only be seen as a negative influence on society.

  7分句子:I believe that, ultimately, social media can only be seen as a negative influence on society.



