
2021-04-22 11:28:07来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  雅思写作真题范文及解析:学生应该花时间去外国去学习语言和文化,这道题目的观点,核心不是在于要不要去学语言和文化,而是学习的方式是否必须是亲自出国。题目观点有明确的限定词,spend a period of time studying and living in a different country,而对于反对的观点没有任何限定,所以在选择立场时,建议选择反对,提出其他方法同样可以达到学习目的,发挥空间自由。


  As part of education, students should spend a period of time studying and living in a different country to learn language and culture. To what extant do you agree or disagree?






  studying and living in a different country:亲身体验他国学习生活(注重于学习的方式,即亲身出国体验,这一点需要着重在文中体现,而其对立的就是新的网络学习,虚拟体验)

  to learn language and culture:限制的目的是学习语言和文化(讨论的利弊需要呼应到这两方面)



  While there has long been a controversy over whether it is necessary for students to further their study abroad in order to learn the language and culture of a nation, I tend to say that studying in other countries should not be recognized as a compulsory option in linguistic and cultural learning.

  Traditionally speaking, a firsthand overseas experience is usually reckoned as indispensable to manipulate a foreign language and the culture behind. Living in an increasing trend of globalization, the younger generation today is more involved in the exchange and clash between different cultures. In response to this, to step out of their own countries seems to be a straightforward choice for those who want to pick up a foreign language while experiencing the indigenous lifestyle and tradition on a daily basis.

  Plausible though it seems, however, I would say that the Internet today has allowed us an alternative way to communicate with the world outside, rather than physically attending a lecture at the other end of the globe. The world today is moving in a direction where countries are glued by computers and cables instead of ships and flights as it used to be, which means that modern international students do not have to necessarily sail thousands of miles away as their predecessors did. In contrast, with a swipe on screens, youngsters nowadays can access global educational resources online without leaving home.

  Also, what is neglected by those who advocates studying abroad is the financial stress on students from less well-off families, whose parents will inevitably suffer the extra tuition fee in another country, not to mention the miscellaneous expenses for children to live by themselves in a foreign land.

  Given this, I would say that it should not be an essential part of education for students to visit anther country in person for the acquisition of its language or culture.


  Linguistic  语言的

  Compulsory  必须的

  Indispensable  必须的

  Manipulate  掌握

  Straightforward  直接的

  Plausible   看似有理的

  Glue 粘合

  Predecessors  前辈

  well-off  家境好的

  miscellaneous  繁杂的


  Plausible though it seems, however, I would say that …

  Also, what is neglected by those who advocates studying abroad is …


