
2021-04-18 20:41:10来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  4.17雅思大作文写作范文:报告类|怎么劝年轻人去户外运动  本文为大家带来环球教育老师整理的4月17日雅思考试大作文的范文,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育


  A  类大作文

  题型类别  报告类

  参考范文  题目:

  Young people do not spend their holidays and weekends doing outdoor activities like hiking and climbing in natural environments. What are the reasons for this? How can they be encouraged to go out?


  In this day and age, youngsters are not too keen on spending their spare time exercising or doing physical activity outdoors, let alone get close to nature. The causes for this phenomenon will be discussed and possible solutions will be presented.

  It is fair to say that a large number of young people are addicted to electronic devices including their smartphones, tablets and desktop or laptop computers. Rather than go out to do exercise or enjoy nature, they are either playing games, chatting with friends, watching videos or engaged in a virtual activity that leads them to have a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, kids in present-day society are engaged in numerous extracurricular classes on weekends and during vacations as their parents place them in these courses to expand their knowledge base. Furthermore, students are bogged down with tons of homework during their leisure time and need to complete it in order to obtain full marks at school.

  One method of encouraging young people to spend more time outdoors is for parents to confiscate their electronic devices and either tell them to go out and play or take them out to do outdoor activities. At school, teachers need to organise field trips for students to go out and experience the natural world or simply take them outdoors as a group to enjoy the surroundings. Students also need to be educated about the benefits of going outdoors including the advantages of sunlight and fresh air on the body as well as the merits of physical exercise. Moreover, government ought to create spaces for kids to enjoy themselves including athletic facilities or parks for youngsters to let loose.

  All in all, there is a trend of fewer young people enjoying the natural world, yet with a bit of assistance from parents, teachers and officials, this trend could be nipped in the bud.

  (In total: 308 words)

  范文由环球教育加拿大国籍外教 Khalid Hasmath 老师本人执笔创作,仅供学术交流


