
2021-04-18 18:02:59来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思大作文写作高分范文:年轻人假期不去户外运动!范文来啦!本文为大家带来高分范文,想要查看思路解析,可点击:雅思大作文写作思路解析:年轻人假期不去户外运动!  下面是范文,一起来学习吧!


  Young people do not spend their holiday and weekend doing outdoor activities like hiking and climbing in natural environment. Why? And how to encourage them to go out?




  In many countries, there is an impending trend that life in the great outdoors is no longer a popular leisure choice among younger generations. While everyone has disparate reasons behind the transformation of their leisure preference, I will attribute this phenomenon mainly to two aspects of modern life. Also, I would give some suggestions to revive the active lifestyle.

  I will firstly see the fading away of outdoor activities among the youth as a symptom of troubles to which the fast-paced life in modern society as the answer. Given the ubiquitous competition in modern society, younger generations today are inundated with various tasks from teachers or employers, which inevitably deprive their leisure time. To complicate matters further worse, even when given a holiday, many opt to venerate virtual communities over outdoor activities such as hiking or camping, providing the fact that this generation has been weaned on digialized entertainment, whether it be social media, computer games or live streaming.

  While the youth’s alienation from the nature environment has been frowned upon in modern society, I will say there are still something we can to do to bring back to the active lifestyle. One suggestion is to launch campaigns to create awareness about the relevance of outdoor leisure life to public health – such an approach can evoke youths’ consciousness of a less sedentary lifestyle. But only the cultivation of awareness is not enough, what would effectuate the revival of life in the outdoors is the support from schools or companies – they ought to organize more events in the great nature for students and employees as a break, rather than chaining them to computer desks with work overload.

  From what has been discussed above, it is my conclusion therefore, people’s reluctance to relax outdoors is the result of their lack of free time and fascination with digitalized entertainment. In response to this, media campaigns on health leisure activities and supportive measures from organizations are needed to revive outdoor activities among younger generations.


  Impending  即将发生的,逼近的

  Revive  复兴

  Ubiquitous  无处不在的

  Deprive  剥夺

  be weaned on  受影响

  Relevance  重要性,关联

  Reluctance  勉强,不情愿


