
2021-03-08 10:12:26来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:


  关键词:have children later in life,注意题目强调的要孩子的时间点(而非要不要孩子),还有是分析影响时,必须涵盖society and family life这2个层面。

  03-06 报告类 – 社会话题

  In some countries around the world men and women tend to have their children later in life. Why this happened? What are the effects on society and family life?





  In many countries, there is an impending trend that young couples are reluctant to have babies soon after marriage. While every couple may have their disparate reasons, I will attribute this problem mainly to two causations. Also, its implications for society and households can be recognized as both a blessing and a curse, depending on contexts.

  I will firstly see the trend towards late parenting as a symptom of troubles to which work/life imbalance as the answer. Living in a fast-paced society, young adults are inundated with tasks in all aspects of everyday life, whether these be long toiling hours, relentless business trips, or refresher courses after work; all these deter young couples from having children soon after marriage. Not to be left behind is the financial pressure of rearing children, from tuition fees to various basic needs, which is another culprit postponing parenting attempts of many less well-off families.

  When it comes to its ramifications for society and households, having kids later in life can be considered from both positive and negative perspectives. At the socioeconomic level, it allows young adults to dedicate more time and efforts to work or career pursuits; the benefits can be of paramount importance to women, who can afford more time to pursue their career prospects before being locked by babies at home. For households, however, late parenting may exacerbate the generation gap between young minds and older parents, which may be culpable for inadequate communication between each other.

  From what has been discussed above, it is my conclusion therefore, the trend towards late parenting is caused by fast-paced society and economic plight of families, and the phenomenon can be considered as both a blessing and a curse to both housholds and society.


  Impending  即将发生的,逼近的

  Parenting   教育孩子

  Toil  辛苦工作

  Refresher  补习课程

  Inundate  使应接不暇

  Well-off  富裕的

  Culpable  对…负责


