
2021-02-22 09:48:23来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:


  Parents should encourage their children to spend less time on studying and more time on physical activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  这套题目的逻辑错误在于题目并未就其结论给出任何前提,所以反驳的切入点很多。最直接的反驳理由可以是这个结论过于武断:没有考虑到不同学生的情况就一刀切,是否要spend less time on studying and more time on physical activities并无一个公认客观标准,而是因人而异的。对于不同的个人需求,其侧重点应该不同。甚至对这个行为的主体Parents也可以质疑,他们是否有话语权对孩子的时间分配做建议。



  It is assumed that parents should encourage their children to place more emphasis on fitness exercise as opposed to immersing in study; however, I will disagree with this claim due to its lack of logical premises.

  There seems to be reasons why this opinion has been applauded by some people. For those who think in this way, the overriding conundrum that afflicts younger generations today appears to be the pressure from school work – it deprives students of their leisure life and exacerbate a sedentary lifestyle, which is recognized as a key culprit of many physical and mental afflictions of adolescents. In this respect, many people jump to the conclusion that, while focusing exclusively on the learning, it is parents’ responsibility to encourage children to share more time on fitness activities.

  While it seems plausible for parents to encourage kids to keep balance between study and physical exercise, it is difficult for me to see the statement as anything other than a stereotype. Those advocates of the claim in the topic are oblivious to the fact that parents may not fully understand the interests or stress of their children, and therefore they are not the right persons to say which activity deserve more time. Another problem we should not ignore is that there is no generally accepted standard on which aspect has more relevance to students’ development. While physical exercise does serve as an antidote to tiredness and stress for students immersing excessively in study, the case is not the same for those who have spent much of their spare time on the playground – it is study that deserves more attention from them.

  From what has been discussed above, I don’t believe it is reasonable for parents to encourage children how to spend their time on study and athletics.


  Immerse  埋头做

  Deprive  剥夺

  Sedentary  坐着的

  Affliction  问题

  Antidote  解药


