外刊精读 | Did hiker plot her own disappearance?
2021-02-04 16:59:18来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
外刊精读 | Did hiker plot her own disappearance?
Police believe Briton may have chosen to vanish, David Brown, Adam Sage and Lucinda Elliott report.
知识点 —
① If someone or something vanishes, they disappear suddenly or in a way that cannot be explained.
② If you say that someone or something disappears, you mean that you can no longer see them, usually because you or they have changed position. → 由此可知,“Vanish”强调的是突然消失或者神秘失踪,而“Disappear”也指“消失”但少了一丝神秘感,背后含义比较简单。
Police looking for Esther Dingley, the British hiker who vanished in the Pyrenees, are concentrating on the theory that she has deliberately gone missing because she feared that her nomadic lifestyle was about to end.
英文表达精炼 —
Nomadic:Nomadic people travel from place to place rather than living in one place all the time. 游牧的
知识拓展 —
Pyrenees:Mountains along the French-Spanish border from the Bay of Biscay to the Gulf of Lion. 比利牛斯山脉
French and Spanish officers are focusing their investigations on a “voluntary disappearance”. Heavy snowfall means that they have had to cancel searches of mountains where she was last seen three weeks ago.
Police have learnt that Ms Dingley, 37, was worried that her partner, Daniel Colegate, a fellow Oxford University graduate, was considering settling down following their six years travelling Europe in a camper van, which began after they left their jobs in Britain. She went hiking alone at the end of October and was last seen on November 22.
英文表达精炼 —
Camper Van:A camper van is a motor vehicle which is equipped with beds and cooking equipment so that you can live, cook, and sleep in it. 野营车
Mr Colegate, 38, has been interviewed by police three times as officers collect background information about her. He is not considered a suspect.
Captain Jean-Marc Bordinaro of the Gendarmerie de Saint-Gaudens, who is leading the search for Ms Dingley, told The Times that officers were unable to eliminate “the theory of a voluntary disappearance”.
“Esther Dingley wanted to continue with her current way of life, journeys in a camper van and sporting activities including hiking, whilst Daniel Colegate seems a little tired of this nomadic life,” he said. “Did [she] want to go off on her own to live her life and organise her own disappearance? There is nothing enabling us to eliminate this working theory. This situation provoked some tensions within the couple, but nothing too much.”
英文表达精炼 —
① If you provoke someone, you deliberately annoy them and try to make them behave aggressively. 对…挑衅 → Provocation 挑衅
② If something provokes a reaction, it causes it. 引起
③ Provocative(ADJ):If you describe something as provocative, you mean that it is intended to make people react angrily or argue against it. 挑衅的 ;If you describe someone's clothing or behaviour as provocative, you mean that it is intended to make someone feel sexual desire. 挑逗的
Matthew Searle, of the missing persons charity LBT Global, which is assisting Mr Colegate, said: “We are working closely with Daniel and the family, and there is absolutely no suggestion that she was seeking‘another life’.”
失踪人口慈善机构LBT Global的马修·塞尔正在协助科勒盖特先生,他说:“我们正在与丹尼尔以及他的家人密切合作,绝对没有迹象表明丁利在寻求另一种生活。”
知识拓展 —
关于LBT Global:
Providing families with information, liaison(联络), advice and support throughout a missing person's case overseas remains a core part of our operations. Every year we reunite many families with the loved one they feared they may never see again.
The couple had met at Wadham College, Oxford, where Ms Dingley was reading economics and management and Mr Colegate studied chemistry. Mr Colegate’s memoir and philosophical guide, What Adventures Shall We Have Today?: Travelling from More to Less in Search of a Simpler Life, published in June, records how after graduating with first-class degrees they settled into successful academic careers.
Memoir:A biography or historical account, esp one based on personal knowledge. 回忆录
知识拓展 —
Wadham College:瓦德汉学院是英国牛津大学学院之一,位于牛津中部公园路南端,其名称是为了纪念詹姆斯一世时,萨默塞特郡的地主多萝西·瓦德汉和尼古拉斯·瓦德汉。
In 2013, seeking a new start, Mr Colegate found a job as an administration worker at Newcastle University and Ms Dingley as a personal trainer. Both had been diagnosed with depression. They arranged a wedding for February 2014.
英文表达精炼 —
Diagnose:If someone or something is diagnosed as having a particular illness or problem, their illness or problem is identified. If an illness or problem is diagnosed, it is identified. 诊断
知识拓展 —
Newcastle University:纽卡斯尔大学,简称纽大,位于英国英格兰东北部。纽大是英国著名的常春藤联盟罗素大学集团,N8大学联盟的成员,英国老牌名校之一,拥有英国顶尖的医学院,在科学、工程、法学及人文社科等方面皆相当出色,2021年QS世界大学排名上位居世界第152位。
At Christmas 2013, however, Mr Colegate needed an operation on an abscess from a surgery wound. They decided to cancel the wedding and set off for a new life on the road. Ms Dingley wanted to spend winters in the sun but last year, instead of visiting Spain and Portugal, Mr Colegate arranged for them to stay in a remote farmhouse in the village of Arreau in the foothills of the Pyrenees. When the lockdown began earlier this year they returned to the farmhouse.
英文表达精炼 —
① Abscess:An abscess is a painful swelling containing pus. 脓肿
② Foothill:The foothills of a mountain or a range of mountains are the lower hills or mountains around its base. 丘陵
③ Lockdown:A security measure in which those inside a building such as a prison, school, or hospital are required to remain confined in it for a time 防范禁闭(期)
At the end of October Ms Dingley set off alone for a hike in the Pyrenees, crossing the border into Spain to avoid the French lockdown conditions. On November 15 she parked their camper van in the village of Benasque, which has become the focus of the search.
知识拓展 —
The village of Benasque:When snow blankets the steep slopes of the Pyrenees—the mountain range that forms a natural border between Spain and France—the cozy Spanish village of Benasque offers a cheerful refuge(庇护) on a winter's eve.
Chema Grau, 60, recalled that on November 17 she had stayed at his 7,000ft Angel Orus refuge, where she seemed “in very good spirits”. In an Instagram post that day she wrote: “I love carrying everything I need with me on my back. It gives me confidence and freedom . . . because I know I have everything I need to survive with me.”
英文表达精炼 — 关于Refuge
① A refuge is a place where you go for safety and protection, for example from violence or from bad weather. 避难所; 收容所
② If you take refuge somewhere, you try to protect yourself from physical harm by going there. 避难
③ If you take refuge in a particular way of behaving or thinking, you try to protect yourself from unhappiness or unpleasantness by behaving or thinking in that way. 庇护
Snow forced her to abort that trip and a Facebook post from November 19 said she had hiked down the mountain with a man who gave her a lift back to her camper van. He has not been traced.
英文表达精炼 — 关于Abort
① If someone aborts a process, plan, or activity, they stop it before it has been completed. 中途放弃
② If an unborn baby is aborted, the pregnancy is ended deliberately and the baby is not born alive. 使流产
CCTV video from later that day shows her in the supermarket in Benasque and she was seen doing yoga next to her camper van. On November 21 she was apparently preparing for a circular hike from the Port de la Glère to the Port de Venasque, which follows the border between France and Spain.
Mr Colegate said that their last conversation was about “how excited we were to see each other”. Ms Dingley told her father that she was preparing for a last walk before coming home on November 25.
On the morning of November 22, the couple featured in a BBC regional news article. Ms Dingley said that beneath the surface of their careers both had felt like “zombies sleep- walking through life”.
英文表达精炼 — 关于Feature的特殊用法
① If someone or something features in something such as a show, exhibition, or magazine, they are an important part of it. 担任主演; 是 (展览、杂志等) 的重要内容
② A feature is a special article in a newspaper or magazine, or a special programme on radio or television. (报纸、杂志的) 特写; (广播、电视的) 特别节目
At 3pm Marti Vigo del Arco, a Spanish Olympic skier, crossed over the path of an English woman who asked him for fresh fruit as she headed up to the Pic de Sauvegarde. An hour later Ms Dingley sent Mr Colegate a photograph of herself at the 8,983ft summit of the snow-capped mountain.
英文表达精炼 —
关于 Summit:
① A summit is a meeting at which the leaders of two or more countries discuss important matters. 峰会
② The summit of a mountain is the top of it. (山) 峰
She has not been seen or heard of since. Searches by land and air have found no trace in the mountains. Her family in the UK are concerned that she may have been kidnapped. Mr Bordinaro confirmed that his team were investigating the possibility that she had been the victim of a crime.
Until the snow melts and searches of the mountains can resume, the police investigation continues, with the possibility in mind that Ms Dingley is on a new adventure.
英文表达精炼 — 关于Resume → Resumption→ It is premature to speculate about the resumption(重新开始) of negotiations.
① Personal resume 个人简历
② If you resume an activity or if it resumes, it begins again. 重新开始
③ If you resume your seat or position, you return to the seat or position you were in before you moved. 重返
Resume 通常带有“重新...”的意思。
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