2021-01-29 15:27:38来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:
1. 开头,引出话题+表明观点
2. 国际新闻的好处:
2.1 了解世界
2.2 交友
2.3 合作
3. 国际新闻的坏处:
3.1 中学生理解不了。循序渐进。“因材施教”。
3.2 国际新闻 并非经典。 对 学生未来的帮助, 不明显。
3.3 加重负担。
4. 结论:增加任何新的科目都是需要小心谨慎的。
Some people think secondary school students should learn international news as one of their subjects, while others believe that this is a waste of valuable time. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
International news is one of the main topics in people’s daily life. Some students believe this course helps them to have a better understanding of this world, while others argue that it is useless. In my opinion, I tend to support that international news should only be an optional course.
On one hand, some people believe that international news helps students to know the world with a fair degree of accuracy. This subject enables students to stay away from being ignorant of everything around the globe. More importantly, in the context of globalization nowadays, international news provides students with the common topic that they can share with their friends from all over the world. It will be a pity for students, if they travel around the world but stay within his/ her original social group, which are also possibly familiar with only the domestic news. Parents and policy makers firmly believe that having a common topic with international friends helps students live better in the future.
However, in spite of all the good intentions, educational experts, such as Professor John Dewy in his work Democracy and Education points out that students need to gain knowledge step by step. For students at secondary school, most of them do not have a clear grasp of the basic concept of “news”, and “international news” is highly likely to be an even more esoteric subject for them to understand. What is worse, “news” means that it is usually not classic. The news is required to be carefully selected, and the course curriculum needs thorough consideration, which often fails even in many universities. Some global news is only remotely related to students, who will possibly forget what they learn after they graduate. In this case, this subject does not seem to be helpful for students in their future life. More importantly, policy makers often neglect the academic burden that students already have. Adding one more subject for students is easy to implement, which shows politicians’“achievements” when they retire, but thorough consideration is needed before everything is final. They need to carefully consider the policy’s consequence, fairness, equality, students’ intelligence, practical use and the actual help that the course can provide. Education is naturally and historically a conservative topic. Any idea to add on new subjects needs to be cautiously examined. Or else, it cannot be any helpful but to be a new burden for students.
To conclude, although international news can help students to gain a better understanding of the world, I believe that before carefully examining its practicality and usefulness to students, it is only good for being an optional course.
accuracy n. 准确
useless adj. 无用的
main adj. 主要的
social group n. 社交圈
consequence n. 结果
fairness n. 公正
equality n. 公平
Democracy and Education : 美国教育学家 约翰 杜威 的作品 《民主和教育》
burden n. 负担
esoteric adj. 艰深的, 艰涩的
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