雅思写作7分解析答案: 谁敢和Z爽一决高下? 唯有川普

2021-01-21 17:36:52来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  Hello 老铁们,前期我们讲过关于“明星”的话题,结合时下社会热点话题,今天我们再来侃侃~

  一个人,每天做好事,固然难能可贵;但如果十年如一日做坏事,做到人尽皆知, 那这时候,这个人的破坏力,也是不容忽视的。所以我国政府对明星也有详细的规定, 在广电总局,有一份“劣迹艺人” 名单(可以百科),对名声不好的名人, 进行封杀或冷藏。




  Nowadays, celebrities are usually famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  Nowadays, celebrities are usually famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Throughout the world, many celebrities become famous for different reasons. Some people claim that some of them do not deserve such popularity. Personally, I tend to support this view.


  It is certainly true that some celebrities became famous for positive reasons, such as being diligent, talented or benevolent. During the pandemic in 2020, many people would not follow the government’s orders. Instead, they listen to what their idols said. Many people easily believe different kinds of conspiracy theories, while they stay at home quietly once their idols advocate to do so.

  However, it is possible see celebrities using such power of guidance in a wrong way. Several decades ago, Professor Neil Postman wrote in his book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, celebrities without moral standards are dangerous guidance. In 2021, a Chinese actress was reported to have surrogate pregnancy in Colorado, which helped her to avoid the pain of laboring. Because there is no extradition treaty between China and the US, what she did was completely legal as long as she stays in China. Chinese government realized this actress’ negative influence, and banned her from the public media immediately. What is worse, the situation will become more uncontrollable when it is accompanied with violence. The former US president’s Twitter account was banned for provoking riot at the Capitol. He manipulated his followers’ trust for his personal gains. It is a disaster for a celebrity like that to guide the young people, who in the future, will possibly disobey the political orders, which were built by the founding fathers in such a harsh condition. Without control, a celebrity’s destruction is unmeasurable. It is dangerous for people with bad reputation to guide the youth.

  In conclusion, I do believe that some celebrities can influence teenagers in a correct manner, while I am also convinced that such influence needs to be put under control.


  Amusing Ourselves to Death – 《娱乐至死》, Neil Postman 教授的著作

  moral standard n. 道德标准

  idols n. 偶像

  labor [医] v. 生产孩子

  notorious adj. 臭名昭著的

  pandemic n. 疫情大爆发 conspiracy theory n. 【专】阴谋论

  surrogate pregnancy n.[医] 代孕

  advocate v. 倡导

  Twitter account was banned for provoking riot at the Capitol

  – 指代前美国总统 特朗普, 因为被判定煽动国会暴乱, 被推特暂停账号一事。

  Unmeasurable adj. 不可估量的 avoid v. 避免 pregnancy n. 怀孕 extradition treay n. 引渡条约

  reputation n. 名声


