雅思写作高频话题【除了学习之外, 还有什么其它活动?】高分范文参考!

2021-01-08 18:22:14来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:

  Question:Full -time university students need to spend a lot of time studying, it is essential for them to be involved in other activities too . To what extent do you agree?

  Answer:Nowadays, many people believe that university students are spending too much time on their studies, but they argue that it is their basic human rights to focus on something else. In my opinion, this view is reasonable.

雅思写作高频话题【除了学习之外, 还有什么其它活动?】高分范文参考!

  It cannot be denied that education needs a lot of time. As Plato points out, education is “dialogues between the souls”. No one can gain deep understanding from his/her major without any serious dedication. Moreover, from a pragmatic perspective, it is widely reported that one student’s future income is highly related to the time that he/she spends in their college, especially in fields that require expertise the most, such as laws, medicines and so on.

  However, I am inclined to believe that other activities also need our attention. Physical health is essential beyond words, while no one mentions its importance on a daily basis. Without physical health, it will be arguably impossible for anyone to focus on his/her studies, let alone jobs in the future. It will be an unwise decision to gain knowledge without health. Moreover, students also need to participate activities to socialize. Through teamwork, they can learn how to cooperate with their colleagues in the future, so doing groupwork at the college is an ideal choice for them to prepare for their career path. Statistically speaking, people who focus too much on their homework, without caring people around them usually cannot lead a team successfully.

  To conclude, it is worthwhile for students to spend time on deeper academic understanding, while they also need to pay attention to their physical health and teamwork at the college.


  academic understanding n. 学术知识

  ideal adj. 理想的

  human right n. 人权

  pragmatic adj. 现实的, 实用的



