
2021-01-08 09:56:06来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:



  People are wearing western-style clothes rather than more traditional clothes. Why is this? Is it a negative or positive development?



  With the spread of globalization, western clothing has reached all conners of the globe,which has gradually replaced traditional clothes. Reasons for this occurrence as well as the pros and cons of this phenomenon will bepresented.


  In history, western clothing was seen as a status symbol that only the affluent couldafford, not to mention wearing such garments allowed people to be perceived as more influential and powerful. In modern-day society,western clothes are representative of personal freedom to wear what individuals prefer, rather than being confined to the constrains of their cultural or historical traditions. Moreover, western clothing tends to be more comfortable than traditional clothing, which may be too tight, such as Mandarin gown, or difficult or time-consuming to put on, including the Japanese kimono. Furthermore, celebrities portray westernized clothing and culture in their films, music videos and in the media, which is attractive to large groups of people invarious countries.


  On the one hand,citizens of the globe wearing the same clothing promotes a sense of unity, despite national borders or backgrounds. Moreover, from an economic standpoint, the companies that produce these types of clothing would benefit by gaining larger numbers of customers and generating significantly higher revenues. On the other hand, a loss of culture may occur whereby younger generation may not be intrigued by wearing traditional clothes or passing down these historical garment traditions to the next generation.


  All in all, there are a variety of reasons people are adopting western-themed clothing including status, freedom, comfort and celebrity influence. It can be considered a beneficial occurrence for international camaraderie and certain enterprises or a detrimental phenomenon in that a loss of culture and a lack of widespread usage may arise.



