
2020-12-18 19:01:37来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:



  Nowadays, celebrities are usually famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Hello 老铁们,


  其实每一个明星的成名之路都不简单,在陈凯歌导演的《霸王别姬》里有一句名台词,“不疯魔, 不成活“,硅谷著名企业家安德鲁格罗夫也说过一句相似的话,“只有偏执狂才能生存(only the paranoids survive)“。其实很多成功的人,都是极其自律,他们通常有很高的执行力,他们找到了能让自己成功的方法,并坚定不移地执行下去。所谓 ”台上一分钟,台下十年功。“

  现在要出名,不至少也需要唱、跳 、rap两年么…?


  这道题其实跟我们之前说的“成功是否全然靠运气“ 其实有一定异曲同工的地方。这道题如果不清楚有什么名人、不清楚有什么成功的要素,基本上就很难写够字数。我们知道哪些明星呢?他们的成功要素有什么呢?这时,科比(Kobe Bryant)的例子是否就能反复使用呢?

  更加惊险的是,如果这道题看不懂“celebrity”并且 “glamour” 也看不懂,很容易就看不懂题目。所以最正确的方法 ,还是要积累词汇,先要保证题目能看懂,并且有话可说。


  (根据牛津词典,celebrity, 其实就是 famous people 的意思,千万不要以为是“celebration (庆祝)“,glamour 日常生活中可能很少用到,其实就是光辉 、光芒 、魅力的意思。)


  Throughout the world, many celebrities become famous for different reasons. Some people claim that some of them do not deserve such popularity. Personally, I tend to disagree with this view.

  It is certainly true that some celebrities became famous for notorious reasons, such as doing drugs or having affairs. However, people have to admit that most of them are famous for their hard work, or at least for harmless reasons, such as singing, dancing or playing basketball. Not many people can become famous for long with negative comments.

  Several decades ago, Professor Neil Postman wrote in his book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, that entertainment is a multi-million-pound industry, which validates the sports stars’ income, due to the fact that their games do actually provide us with pleasure while we are watching. Thanks to the advertisement, sports stars find their way to achieve success, which I believe does not come by accident. It is a well-known story that Kobe Bryant usually got up at 4am in Los Angeles, which he confirmed in several occasions, saying that his precise instinct came from repetitive and boring training, day in and day out. It is not wrong to make one diligent person to be famous, and I believe that it is particularly true in sports industry, because I believe that no one can gain success by chance in this field.

  In addition, celebrities in the music industry become famous for valid reasons. It sounds easy that people can just become famous for just singing a song, but what people usually neglect is that the superstars usually need to endure repetitive training without seeing any hope to be recognized for a long time. Even in Youtube, many upcoming stars need to keep practicing every day, so that they can perfect their skills. All they need to do is to adapt to the new trend in the new media, instead of complaining or whining against the current status they have to face.

  In conclusion, I do believe that most celebrities do earn their fame by hard work, and I believe that they will not be a bad example for teenagers.


  fame n. 名声 (adj. famous)

  celebrity n. 名人

  celebration n. 庆祝

  affair n. 绯闻

  valid adj. 合理的

  neglect v. 忽视

  precise  adj. 准确的

  instinct n. 直觉


