2020-02-27 17:00:56来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
【经济学人精读】如今,女性的社会地位真的提高了吗? Free exchange 自由贸易 Progress of a Sort 某种进步 Economists discover the power of social norms 经济学家发现了社会规范的力量 That makes some policies better at tackling gender inequality than others 这使得一些政策比其他政策更能解决性别不平等问题
1. OVER THE past generation women have made substantial economic gains, even as progress on other measures of social equality has been uneven. Their average level of education has caught up to that of men across rich and poor countries alike. Indeed in much of the rich world the share of young women with a college degree is now above that of men. Income may be divided less equally across the workforce as a whole, but it has become more evenly spread between men and women. In America women account for nearly 30% of the top tenth of earners, up from 5% in the 1960s. That said, progress is far from complete. Gaps in labour-force participation and pay persist. The nature of the obstacles holding back further progress has changed. Although economics ought to be keenly interested in such matters, not least because of gender inequalities in the profession, it has not always been of much help in understanding them. That is changing, however, in ways that could transform the field.
2. This evolution was apparent in January, in a lecture given by Marianne Bertrand of the University of Chicago. Over the past few decades, gender gaps in the rich world have had ever less to do with overt discrimination, she argued, and ever more to do with women’s decisions. Their choice of degree subject is one. Jobs in science, technology, engineering and maths have smaller gender pay gaps than others. But men are around twice as likely as women to graduate in such fields. More powerful still is the effect of childbirth. The birth of a first child has essentially no effect on a man’s earnings trajectory. By contrast a woman experiences a profound and lasting hit to her pay. The motherhood penalty, suggested Ms Bertrand, is easily the largest remaining contributor to gender gaps in labour markets.
3. Men and women alike opt to become parents, of course. But the unequal effect on earnings reflects their different responses to childbirth. Women are more likely to leave the labour force or to switch to part-time work. They often choose jobs that allow more flexibility, and accept lower pay as a consequence. Some studies, for instance, suggest that women take jobs with shorter commutes, to make time for their care responsibilities. In France, noted Ms Bertrand, the sacrifice in earnings associated with such decisions is estimated to explain 10-15% of the gender pay gap. It is women’s greater willingness to accept these trade-offs that accounts for diverging labour-market fortunes.
4. Economists, historically, have let the matter rest there, chalking such choices up torational self-interest. Perhaps families decide that women have a comparative advantage in child-rearing, and should handle the parenting while men focus on their careers. Gary Becker, the late Nobel prize-winning economist, argued that households specialise in this way. Alternatively, perhaps women’s choices simply reveal their preferences: for subjects other than maths, for instance; or for time spent caring for children, rather than long hours at the office. And such preferences, economists have generally assumed, are to be taken as given. De gustibus non est disputandum, they say: there is no accounting for tastes.
从历史上看,经济学家们一直把这个问题搁置一边,把这种选择归结为理性的利己主义。也许家庭认为女性在抚养孩子方面有比较优势,因此应该由女性来负责教养孩子,而男性则专注于自己的事业。已故诺贝尔经济学奖得主加里•贝克尔(Gary Becker)认为,因为这种方式,家庭才得以发展。或者,也许女性的选择只是简单地揭示了她们的偏好,如喜欢数学之外的科目;或者喜欢花时间照顾孩子,而不是工作。经济学家们通常认为,这些偏好将被视为既定条件。他们说:趣味是无法解释的。
5. But perhaps there is. As Ms Bertrand noted in her lecture, other social sciences, like social psychology, reckon that preferences are socially determined. In this view, people’s choices are influenced by norms, which specify the roles and behaviours that are appropriate for men and women. Survey evidence shows that, across a broad range of rich and poor countries, both men and women support the view that men should be first in line for a vacancy when jobs are scarce. The level of support varies—for instance it is much higher in Egypt than in Switzerland. But even in Switzerland, roughly a fifth of women agreed with the statement, similar to the share of men. Gender gaps in maths scores are larger in places where gender attitudes are more conservative. This suggests that social influences matter.
但也许是可以解释的。正如伯特兰在她的演讲中指出的,其他社会科学,如社会心理学,认为偏好是由社会决定的。在这种观点中,人们的选择受到规范的影响,社会规定了适合男人和女人的角色和行为。调查显示,在广泛的发达国家和发展中国家中,男性和女性都支持这样一种观点,即当工作机会稀缺时,男性应首先填补空缺。支持度的差异——如,埃及比瑞士高得多。但即使在瑞士,约有五分之一的女性同意这一说法,与男性的比例相当。在性别态度较为保守的地区,男女在数学成绩上的差距更大。这表明社会影响很重要。 6. Defying social norms is possible but costly. Men who sacrifice their careers to raise children while their partners work may bear emotional costs, if, say, they are seen as being unmanly. Similarly, women who are seen to put their career before their family may face an emotional toll, related to their own guilt or the judgment of others, because of their decision to flout gender norms. The choices made under these pressures are still voluntary, but they reflect the influence of a self-perpetuating gender bias. Human resources may be allocated across the economy in a way that reflects this bias, rather than people’s abilities. Economists know these biases exist. Historically, however, they have tended to regard them as blunt descriptions of the state of the world, rather than evolving social forces that influence behaviour.
Puncturing the patriarchy打破父权制7. Mitigating bias is not easy. Seemingly helpful interventions, such as generous maternity leave, can backfire if they reinforce the norm that women are natural caregivers. Better, Ms Bertrand argued, to favour measures that have no such implications, such as generous support for child care. Her own research suggests that a mother’s working status shapes her children’s perceptions of labour-market norms. Those surrounding men’s behaviour matter too. Survey evidence from Japan suggests that many men feel positively about taking paternity leave. But, because they wrongly believe other men do not feel the same way, they take less time off than they would like. Firms could potentially make their workers better off by, say, choosing to make paternity leave mandatory.
8. Ms Bertrand’s arguments may not seem particularly subversive. But they carry implications that extend beyond gender discrimination. Her analysis suggests that the decision to participate in a market is not simply about maximising utility given a set of tastes and constraints. Markets, rather, are part of a suite of fluid social forces that shape behaviour. Economists cannot claim to understand the markets until they understand those forces.
trajectory /trə'dʒekt(ə)rɪ/ n. <物>弹道,轨迹;轨道;轨线;常角轨道
European explorers dreamed of following Julius Caesar's career trajectory.
has less to do with 与…关系不大
A is around twice as likely as BA大概是B的两倍
commute /kə'mjuːt/ vt. 交换;减刑;用……交换;使……变成
She commutes from Cambridge to London every day.
trade-off /'treidɔf,-ɔ:f/ n. 交换,协定,交易,平衡
The trade-off between work hours and productivity is still a topic of debate and research.
chalk up 记下;取得;归咎于
Britain also dodged a recession, chalking up growth of 0.3% following a previous contraction.
flout /flaʊt/ n. 嘲笑;轻视;愚弄vt. 嘲笑;愚弄;藐视
By selling alcohol to minors, the shop is deliberately flouting the law.
向未成年人出售烈性酒, 是商店故意犯罪法。
self-perpetuating /'selfpə'petʃueitiŋ/ adj. 能使自身永久存在的;自我延续的
The process is self-perpetuating: as ice melts, the ocean absorbs more heat and melts more ice, and so on.
maternity leave 产假
mandatory /'mændət(ə)rɪ/ adj. 命令的;强制的;义务的
Wearing helmets was made mandatory for pedal cyclists.
subversive /səb'vɜːsɪv/ adj. 破坏性的;从事颠覆的n. 危险分子;颠覆分子
Philip Roth started out as shocking and rather subversive.
maximize /ˈmæksəˌmaɪz/ vt. 使(某事物)增至最大限度;最大限度地利用(某事物)
That would maximize oxygen for optimal combustion.
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