
2019-07-22 15:11:19来源:网络作者: 小羊阅读量:



  环球教育苏州分校 杨俊麟


  [作文类型] 柱状图 组合



  [综合点评] 注意描写柱状图的主要趋势, 阶段或者主要差异, 并且进行两个柱状图表的联系.


  [作文题目] People aim to keep a balance between their work and other parts of their lives,but few people achieve it. What are the problems in trying to achieve this goal and how can these problems be overcome?


  [题材类别] 生活类

  [思路分析]话题给出了一个背景现象:人们尝试保持工作和生活(other parts of their lives除工作以外的部分)之间的平衡。。考生需要依次回答两个问题,一是保持工作生活的平衡有哪些困难,二是要给出解决这些问题的方案。提出的方案一定要呼应先前提及到的困难。




  It is true that a balanced relation between work and life can hardly be maintained as far as most people are concerned nowadays. There are various relevant reasons for this, but measures can sure be utilized to assist people get closer to the goal.

  From my point of view, two major problems can be seen in balancing work and life. Firstly, survival pressure is obviously getting increasingly heavier. People are facing unprecedentedly high living expenditure, such as housing price and daily expenses, if they reside in cities. Costs such as potential medical expenses or educational costs, if possible, for their kids for themselves are also adding more burden. Secondly, companies that people work for may also increase their sense of stress. Some enterprises may, whether or not deliberately, exploit employees’ leisure time by assigning more compulsory tasks that there is little time can be given for enjoying lives. Thus, with pressure of survival and work, people might not only forget keeping a healthy physical condition but must also sacrifice the time belonging to their family and themselves for extra work.

  However, it is not impossible to achieve a work-life equilibrium. Companies could play a crucial role in helping people to acquire the balance by reducing extra workload, which is a critical part that forces people to trade their time for working, or giving more chances for vocations. If more time was given to employees, they would have an opportunity for fulfilling other parts of their lives. Moreover, governments need to take responsibilities in terms of establishing a better social welfare system---which include a more affordable medical care, education and pension system---so that people could have a higher capacity to withstand risks in life.

  In conclusion, remaining a balance among work and life is still difficult for people today, whereas companies and governments can definitely dedicate to aid.


