
2019-12-17 17:55:34来源:环球教育作者: 小羊整理阅读量:

  【综合点评】雅思的part1 9月更新话题特点上,话题范畴针对性越来越强,也越来越小众如加入Jeans,Makeup等话题,抽象类话题明显增加如Trust,Concentration等话题,对考生的语言能力的要求越来越高。 Part2的话题也相对刁钻如 1.有趣想法的人2.多彩的地方等话题,对于话题主体的限定性越来越多。



  Part1:从9月变题话题来看,人物类地点类话题减少很多,物品类和事件类话题新增较多。部分话题偏难如voice,makeup,需要考生积累相关针对话题词汇在表述中做到specific和colourful。积累一些less common的词汇。

  Part2 : 物品类和事件类新增较多, 在准备Part2素材注意合并相关话题,拓宽思路多串联减少工作量。 素材方面最好选择通俗一点的,坚持“宁俗勿偏”的原则。

  【 Sample Answer 】

  雅思口语当季话题: 描述学外语的人

  Describe some who speaks a foreign language well

  who the person is

  What kind of foreign language this person speaks

  How often does the person use this language

  Why this person could speak so well





  Describe some who speaks a foreign language well

  who this person is

  I am going to talk about an old man who can speak English very well. He used to be a librarian in a small library. After retirement, he started to learn English by himself on some Apps.

  What kind of foreign language this person speaks

  The first time that I met him was in a botanical park. He was practicing English alone.I was really impressed by his authentic British accent, so I walked over and started a conversation. Through talking, I learnt more about him.

  How often does the person use this language

  He told me that he had always had a fascination with English language since he was young. But at that time, he had to work hard to support his family, so he didn't have any time to learn it. Now, he dedicates almost everyday to it.

  In order to speak accurately and fluently, he will listen to and mimic the voices on the radio. Every night, he goes to popular tourist destinations, so he can meet and talk to people in English.

  Why this person speaks this foreign language well

  It's no surprise that he can speak English well, because he is persistent.

  He told me it hadn't been easy and that he had wanted to give up many times, as it is far harder learning a language when you are older. In spite of that, he kept on going and still goes out of his way to improve his English.

  It's clear his efforts have paid off and I have to admit his English is much better than mine.At that time, I thought it’s the worst ad design I had seen in my life. However, it really worked pretty well as when I woke up in the morning in the following days, the repeated magical voice was still li


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